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Yag Nhad
Player ID: 158719
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Regeneration : 11
Energetic immunity : 8
Trade sense : 0
Briskness : 21
Initiative : 5
Defence : 25
Attack : 31
Power : 6
Luck : 1
Volition : 5
Royal Guard
Sun God Armour
Darkness Principle = 76
Element Principle = 82
Transposition Principle = 85
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Battle stats
Won: 181 | Lost: 125
Honor: 2917
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance

There is not much to say here other than I am a fiery red head with a heart of water and brains of steel. I may be tiny but that does not mean I can not reach your shins.

Description of myself to those who can not see.

I am at a height of 5'5" with a slender body, made to fit into tight spaces in a pinch. I also have naturally red hair, never tampered with as it is a prize possession to have for there are few of our red head kind left. Mine eyes can see much that goes on. I am ever watching with these black eyes of mine. They are a full set of eyes, usually half closed so that I can appear more menacing, although I think to some it looks as though I am having a difficult time with my bowels. I have skin as white as snow and long black eyelashes that help with my femine wiles. I have only two tattoos on the surface of my skin, both being a series of intertwining sets of knotwork that seem to move on its own, circling my upper left arm and my upper right thigh. I wear little but that does not mean that I am at a disadvantage. I admit to having my faults and weaknesses but I will fight you to the death. My outfit consists of animal hide shorts and an animal hide halter top that has crisscrossing stips on my stomach. I usually keep my hair restrained in a leather thong but when it is down watch out, it looks like it could do some damage with all of its volume. On my feet for those of you who care, I am wearing simply animal skin moccasons with a few slits sewn into them for "ventilation." I may look primitive, but I believe that I can hold up a conversation very well. You would be suprised to hear how much you can say when all that comes out is "Huughh." Maybe I will decide to tell you more about myself sometime. Keep checking to see if I have come to trust you enough to tell you.

Some of my creatures
SoulForged Johnny Yuma Wolf Johnny B Good Apollo

  It is hard to hate someone you do not know and being that I only know of one person then I can hate no one. Except for those who do not understand my ramblings. I shall try to give you a fair chance, but if I do not feel at ease around you for even a second, I will leave your side for all eternity. To harbor any ill feelings toward me if you are in my life is a sin against the trust that I gave to you. If you so chose to ruin the path that leads to me in your life, I will gladly destroy the path that leads to you. Do not cross someone with no known past. Untold horrors could await.

Page 523 - A Debt Repaid
Syrian and Nimrodel enter Necrovion and approach the Accursed Growth. Azull's spirit appears before them as the two women approach. "I have come to ask you to revive a subject of mine. Will you do this?" Nimrodel nods. "I will help." The three figures enter the Accursed Growth,Azull leading the way. Within, JadenDew tends to the body of FireStarter, which lies on the packed, dry dirt of the ground. Nimrodel steps forth and, without saying a word, places her flute to her lips and begins playing. Though no sound can be heard coming from the instrument, the effects of its song are apparent within moments. Nimrodel stops playing,nodding to the King of Necrovion. "There. It's done." JadenDew stands and nods. "He breathes once more, my king." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
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