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Yayichi Yuki
Player ID: 96756
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 10
Luck : 2
Energetic immunity : 8
Trade sense : 10
Briskness : 14
Initiative : 8
Defence : 5
Attack : 16
Power : 7
Principle of Balance = 42
Element Principle = 42
Time Principle = 37
Principle of Syntropy = 35
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Battle stats
Won: 108 | Lost: 119
Honor: 4950
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Be my Adept
Be my adept if you like. If you don\'t knw how to do, just PM me.
Some of my creatures
Jack the Ripper Berserker Assassin

What I hate is what I do not love or like
Well, It\'s hard to decide what to write on this list. It\'s obviously that I can\'t list all I hate - that\'s too much. So the only thing I can do is to list what I love, or like. I love sky. I love night. I love play. I love draw. I love snow and ice. I love life and death. I love my friends and myself. What\'s more? I like heroes. I like bueaties. I like black-sheep. I like sadness. I like reading and sleeping. I like novels and cartoons. Maybe more. And I hate the rest - well, to be honest, partly.

Page 464 - The Traveler
The soldier freezes in panic when he realizes that the weird creature is invisible to the mighty Shade Sentinel. "I feel something there, its like..it has no time. Strange, you say you see a creature, human?" , "yyes yyoour m.m.majesty, its .r.right there, its standing up :-S" ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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