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She cannot express emotions. She cannot love. Her sole purpose is to find a male to reproduce with. That may be ones dream..until they find out exactly how she does it.
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Ysmay, she is a wanderer. A nomad. She is completely made out of blood...with no organs whatsoever. She has one layer of paper thin skin that, when poked...or even touched, breaks. Making her become her true form. Puddle of blood.
Ysmay’s story.
She was normal.
Simply a regular blood rogue.
That was before the fire. Ysmay had reproduced, created the most important blood rogue in the history of their Rogue tribe. Then it started, a spark at first, unnoticed. However, it slowly spread around the forest, trapping them in. Frantic screaming, panicking, the tearing of skin…everyone was so panicked (for the first and only time) they didn’t see the baby. She had died and Ysmay couldn’t believe the hard work she had put into making her…wasted. She got out, luckily, of the forest, alone. No one else survived.
Ysmay looked around and saw the burnt remains of the forest. She sighed and walked ahead not knowing where she was going… Just heading somewhere...She just kept walking and walking, she eventually ended up near a lake, with a willow tree sitting on the bank. This was Willow's Walk. Ysmay looked around with a confused look on her face. She did not know that she had ended up in MD…
Ysmay knew that this place was going to have men. Lots of men. She knew what she was here for. She knew she needed to mate. And soon.
You could say Ysmay is a total mistress… but she is not. Her instincts tell her what to do. Who to seduce…when to reproduce. She will seduce any man. And many have taken the bait. One has even fallen deeply in love with her… only to realize that she cannot show emotion. She cannot love back.
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Some of my creatures
Who can one hate, when one has no emotion?
Page 167 - The Shade Ballance - Wod. Br.
Wodin is training hard in the midday heat. Without warning he feels a pull at his
back, and turns into the sun. Shading his eyes he sees the shadow of a figure
disappearing rapidly into the mirage rising from the dusty ground. Glowing in the
shadow's hand is Wodin's dagger, Wodin begins to shake with rage. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it
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