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Player ID: 203288
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Regeneration : 1762
Energetic immunity : 1682
Trade sense : 1310
Briskness : 1302
Initiative : 1264
Defence : 2564
Attack : 3056
Luck : 378
Power : 1309
Volition : 736
Herbalism : 187
Mining : 187
Waterhandling : 185
*excavation : 185
Woodcutting : 186
Finesse : 186
Cartography : 144
Experimentalism : 85
Filtering : 71
*taming : 68
Gardening : 65
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Element Principle = 4000
Principle of Enthropy = 4000
Principle of Syntropy = 4000
Principle of Light = 4000
Principle of Imagination = 4000
Learns to cut wood and collect it as a resources by using basic tools. This young apprentice might grow into a skilled woodcutter one day.
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 408 | Lost: 590
Honor: -321
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
The life of Zetsuei

My life has not been a simple one. There are many details of it that I don't recall myself. The thing that I do lmow is that I am not human...at least not anymore. The details of my transformation are a bit sketchy as all the evidence of it ever happening has long since been erased from paper and mind. They told me that me body was fused with a Elemental egg at a very young age. Because of the eggs nature and its all consuming nature of its evolution, I was an abomination...a danger to all around me. My body constantly absorbs energy from my surroundings, causing  many problems.


It was only when I became 10 years old that I was able to get help controling this "natural" power. For the moment now...I'm just a man in search of good times. After all thats what we all need right?

Afterward I learned a new power: The ability to increase and decrease space at will..this too I was trained in. Eventually, I learned how to make tangible for my use. It's still a long way from mastery...but its something.

I went into a deep sleep one day and have awoken only recently. Of course an age has passed and what was is no longer true. I am a lost one from a lost age with only a semblance of what was.

Some of my creatures
Angien Sensui the Ruthless Malerie William the Arrogant Zetsuei Flirty Bikini Model Rodin Kraid Unholy Pope

Page 205 - The Shade Ballance - Others
Reports of cruel murders terrify all alliance leaders. It seems that the tension between the lands has started to make people more powerful in their will and their fights actually kill the opponent. There is no proof that the shades may have something to do with this, although rumors about inner Magic used by the Shade Sentinel itself , have been heard. People start to seek the warmth of the sanctuaries or even the teachings of the Dojo, but others search for sharper swords and prepare for war. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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