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Leo Valentine




Player ID: 183229
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Regeneration : 181
Energetic immunity : 180
Trade sense : 76
Briskness : 216
Initiative : 124
Defence : 972
Attack : 1022
Power : 215
Luck : 69
Herbalism : 2
Waterhandling : 13
Experimentalism : 0
Gardening : 0
Finesse : 1
Volition : 349
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Enthropy = 4000
Principle of Cyclicity = 4000
Principle of Balance = 4000
Principle of Syntropy = 4000
Transposition Principle = 3201
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Battle stats
Won: 1621 | Lost: 1836
Honor: 1886
MindPower: 5
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Some of my creatures
Castyx ni Zabraltar Cthraeseri Oaigha Ysenmarugrieve Scylthio Amiense Kqelsirel nyorn Ixtr Iresu Balthes Rauthyrenze Kyrie Gormagon

Over a long time ago

The following is FALSE.


Hello, traveler.

Guess what I did today, I broke the world.

Who here believes the world is made of real things?

I did, before. Then it all clicked.

Remember the mode that was a story? It's just that, a story. It doesn't influence us.
Hidden meaning, you say? Symbology?


Any half-decent author can scratch out something that seems profound.
Test the waters a little, though, and you'll see how shallow it all really is.

Shades? We've been reflecting on the Darkness Within mumbo-jumbo since Plato first saw the writing on the wall at Altamira.

Marind is even worse. "It's not a question of Light vs. Dark, no, it's something more than that."
Then what is it a question of?
It's certainly not an answer, that would just be silly.

How are you so sure it's not simple?
"Because Tainted Angiens, that's why."
Uh huh.

Order and Chaos would also be too easy, can't do that..

Allegories are a joke and you know it. There's no mystery here, only sorry, misguided little gullibles still clapping for the innermagic fairy.
Or better yet, those who never believed in her to begin with because they just plain never saw that part of MD. That's the best way to go, then there's no electrocution of the soul in realizing it's all nothing.

And not the "it's all nothing, so it's everything"
"The 0, to the 1"
You know who you are, and you know that means exactly as much as it sounds like it does: it's pretty, but does it go anywhere?
Nope, but it sure sounds like it does, and that's what counts.

Just remembered the ghost of a song, then it flickered out.
Oh well, the memory is probably better than the actual thing anyway.

Yes, of course it is. Back to polemic-

Principles are for tokens, everyone knows that.

Let's see, what other bubbles do I feel like bursting?

There are words, poems even below every scene in the realm. They mean nothing, though they do sound rather nice.

Conspiracy Theory #21 is true.

Ooh, here's a good one: Research and Connections.
Some people seem to think that all means something, which is pretty hilarious in itself.
...I shouldn't be so quick to judge. I believed it, too, at least for a while.
Then I actually started thinking for myself. Geometry is nice, and it's a great way to hide things that don't exist. Two pyramids equals an octahedron which is the echo of a cube, and everyone knows cubes are souls, because they just are. No, really, it makes sense, because six...is a number...and it's perfect...and 'hex' means six in the Ancient Tongue..

Lies, damned lies and mathematics! People won't understand it, because there's nothing behind it all to understand. And yet they keep searching, because it looks like it should make sense.

Surely you've heard some version of the urban myth, how does it go...As a prank, some mischievous persons set three goats/pigs/take-your-pick free in their school/workplace and label them respectively Goat #1, #2, and #4.
It's not all that hard to find a goat in a building, so the three poor creatures are soon rounded up.
But what does everyone spend the rest of the day pursuing?
Why, the third goat, of course!

Now, what does that remind you of?

At this point you may be getting a bit skeptical of my skepticism. Fair enough; maybe I am, too. Maybe I just don't understand it all yet, maybe it will 'click' for me someday and I will be oh so very sorry for writing this.

I doubt it.

Spelldocs being real, reflecting reality? Have you read any of the tenuous support they've got behind them?
Neuro-linguistic programming has been quite thoroughly debunked, thank you very much. The rest is psychology or vague assertions that don't lend themselves to falsification, readily or otherwise.

<< Contents deleted because they sounded sappy on reflection >>

Ooh, reflection, that's another thing thrown in there to make it all seem important.
You want to know what that name means?
It means what it says, nothing less, nothing more.

Have you listened lately?
MD :: empty .

That I know.
This is my show of force, and I'm telling you it's a lie.

Page 572 - One Man, Many voices
And now with some of the shades fragmented into a body of sorts some of the protections Necrovion had weakened. Lots of changes have occurred and what will happen next is up to you for now this story ends. FIN. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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