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Player ID: 166328
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Regeneration : 62
Energetic immunity : 82
Trade sense : 30
Briskness : 80
Initiative : 62
Defence : 302
Attack : 394
Power : 98
Luck : 46
Volition : 7
Mining : 1
Herbalism : 1
Waterhandling : 1
*excavation : 1
Woodcutting : 1
Finesse : 1
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Darkness Principle = 95
Principle of Light = 902
Principle of Enthropy = 537
Principle of Cyclicity = 845
Principle of Imagination = 21
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 994 | Lost: 1940
Honor: 5286
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
comments on self
am an architect engineer and iam playing these game to have fun i would like to help anyone ask for help ...
ooh am 30 years old from jordan ..like to have alote of friend in game and in real life ..
my soul going to the first guild i join ......
Some of my creatures
Master of Puppets Knator War Master Angien Sentinel II Imperial Aramor Assassin BloodPact Dark Archer III Walking Tree Water Daimon III Unholy Pope Elemental V Grasan Huvourer

my hate list is too short which is :
1.hate scamers .
2.hate share passward between ppl .(got scammed by these offcorse even if hes your brother)
3.hate ppl that they dont help any new player around .
4.hate that player injoy the game and they didnt call there friend to it ;)

i think i count all thing that i hate and as i saied we are playing game to have fun so better to keep these in our mind and have agreat game together ;)


i beliefs that the team work is the most  important thing all games also in real life .
also working hard is good .
so please keep working hard until you can join aguild to learn and train with them to  be strong ..
these is my advice and what i belief ..

also all of us playing games to injoey there time so please injoy game and have fun
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Page 567 - One Man, Many voices
Aia stood in front of the old man, summoning her creatures to fight and struck the first blow. Like plushies during Murmas the blows rained down on the old man, others joining in with the call. As planned, blood was let during the festival but the shades has no idea it would be against their mouthpiece. The old man fell and the last bindings to humanity withered away, he was dead, and they were weakened. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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