He kept lists of ongoing quests in the realm that had sponsorship from Mur and dispatched them as needed.
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 10621 | Lost: 10565
Honor: 4199
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Papaver Somniferum
WISH LIST (in order of importance): - voice spell - an item or spell to publicly autoplay an mp3 file, from the URL. (Code my music box? :p) - tainting one of my angiens, or else a separate tainted angien
Other things I want: - a darkling - a GG drach (to mutate it) - an elucubration - a morph (up to 3)
My spells: Guardian Army (8 casts), Mirror Ritual (8 casts), Give Vital (4 casts) Guardian Army stone: 3 silver Mirror Ritual stone: 4 silver Ask for candy or healing and ye shall receive.
I am almost always found at the GoE, combo training or idling. Usually idling. I'm always open to debate on any topic.
RP info:
A generic human, bearing the name of an ancient god. His time in prison has hardened him. Date of release 04/08/2010. (for
those who don't know, this is a satire; I was sentenced to prison for 3
days, subsequently lowered to 1 day, for picking up an ITC pasted in
chat - the original box of rainbow candies.) Experiments with regenerative and shielding magic. Old friend of the
MR's. (I was part of the original training grounds in the MDA cellar, before the GGG was set up) Mp5 training dummy. Unresponsive often, usually unexpectedly, and sometimes for long
periods. (recently I went idle & didn't come back for 2 years. Activity is currently 31%. xP)
Achievements (in approximate chronological order):
(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
the moon trivia contest during the Lunar Festival. (1 WP rewarded) reached
top #8 for wishpoints. (3 WP) editor of the Golden Globe Gazette predicted
the implementation of the Tribunal acquired 3 spell docs, owed a 4th
(from Je Suis Oeufs Fous) acquired an item passed through The
Labyrinth when first opened (unrewarded) - permanent GG access have
set foot in every land, as well as the prison, the inside of Sage's
Keep, and the balcony of Marind's room md-archives.com authorship recruited
an Angien finished LR, Sun God, and Royal armor sets acquired
first spell (late summer '09) permanent Berserker's Charge access (has since broken, WP refunded) un-allied at mp4,
fought an un-allied mp5 combo fighter, burst burner, and above money achievements won the heads contest in 1st place (mp4, March 2, 2010) - record score for mp4: 156k fought
myself, and won fought myself, and lost (not the same occasion) made
a suggestion to improve MD that was eventually implemented by Mur
(options page) got avatars approved (7 so far) ended mp4 with 3 pre-maxed angiens
at mp5:
bought a rusty maxed 3 angiens acquired a rare item from Mur - Mammon's Book was possessed by Mur for a short while, conversed with "myself" discovered the GoE codes to the Paper Cabin roof and the Archives Study Room got a second rusty as a prize achieved 0 total XP, multiple times sacrificed 39k heat in 2 days gone idle for a few hours at 0 heat, woke up to find that I got max heat trader achievement developed and popularized the 3 tree & >=1 pope @ 0% ritual bought a rein traded the rusty I bought, plus coins, for a GG traded for the item that I had been banned for having (Box of rainbow candies) ran first quest Treasure Keeper died, revived
Record damage in one strike: 370,321 (energy burn). No tokens.
Some of my creatures
Ira furor brevis est. Te absolvo.
I hate the BeeGees. :P
Music (work in progress)
Good websites for finding song URL's (from which you can download for free) include www.airmp3.net, www.mp3raid.com , www.beemp3.com, through Google, and from the artists' own sites.
Edit: Was a playlist here once, has since broken. Will fix someday....
(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
Random Stuff:
(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
This sentence is false. (Try to assign a truth value to this statement.)
(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. - Abraham Lincoln Human life is the only thing that takes care of itself. - Napoleon Bonaparte I think we all agree, the past is over. - George W. Bush Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies like bananas. Light a man a fire, and he's warm for an hour. Light a man on fire, and he's warm for the rest of his life. Half of the people in the world are below average. Always remember you're unique. Just like everyone else. Contemplating the great unknowns must be one of the oldest hobbies in
human experience. The pursuit has given rise first to religion, then to
philosophy, then to people who make fun of religion and philosophy.
Fun Facts:
ASS - American Shipping Services STFU - Southern Tenant Farmers' Union OMFG - Official Meeting Facilities Guide WTF - Wisconsin Tourism Federation (which has since changed its name to avoid this)
WTO - World Trade Organization, World Toilet Organization
(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
Nile - Laying Fire Upon Apep
Fire be upon thee Apep Ra maketh thee to burn Thou who art hateful unto him Ra pierceth thy head He cutteth through thy face Ra melteth thine countenance Lo your skull is crushed in his hand Thy bones are smashed in pieces
Burn thou fiend Before the fire of the eye of Ra The hidden one hath overthrown thy words The gods have turned thy face backwards Thy skull is ripped from thy spine
The lynx hath torn open thy breast The scorpion hath cast fetters upon thee Maat hath sent forth thy destruction Thou shalt burn
The god aker hath condemned thee to the flames
Fire be upon thee Apep Thou enemy of Ra Let flames gnaw into thee And sear thy flesh Fall down Apep I hath set torch upon thee Taste thou death Apep The burning is upon you Thou art consumed I hath lain fire upon thee I hath smeared thy remains with excrement I hath spat on thin ashes Taste thou death
(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.). Made by moonassault.
My defense will for the foreseeable future always be:0-2 max elems, 1-3 popes, 3 non-damagers, low % influence (except for the short periods of time when I'm farming losses, using a single tree defense at 0%).
This is currently one of the very best multi-purpose public service
rituals, giving _very_ easy victories, or giving xp loss, to anyone who
understands how to utilize this ritual. It's not just for public
service, though. ;) When an elem is included, it can be used for combo
training, or for infusing experience on remains for eventual sale (1
silver for each 500k xp, rounded down).
At mp5 I am relatively weak, however I am free from fear of skilldamage.
Due to people using my defense for xp loss so often, it gives me more
victories than losses. I thoroughly recommend that any mp5 who can copy
my defense should do so; it will make their life a lot less stressful,
and others' lives as well (due to its utility).
Knowledge of rituals, and attack tactics, is a greater asset than high stats.
won heads in first place at mp4, with a record score for mp4 - 156k.
The only higher score on record is Pample's at 217k, though, as far as
I'm aware, she had help with that.
My record damage in one strike: 370,321 (energy burn). No tokens; I practically don't use tokens.
Do not be my adept. Be an adept of an mp6, because they need it.
"The world is full of lies. 'Thou shalt not kill.' 'Thou shalt not
steal.' 'Thou shalt not bear false witness.' 'Thou shalt not commit
adultery.' These are all lies, all deceptions. 'I don't want to be
killed.' 'I don't want to be a victim of theft.' That is why they use
lies like justice and morals to protect their weak selves. The original
truth is the survival of the fittest. One must devour it all, whether it
be other humans, wealth, power, or the world itself!" -Charles zi Britannia, in Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2, episode 7
I am the trapdoor spider. I am the crown-of-thorns starfish. I am the Komodo dragon.
Basic Training Rules (Golden Globe Gazebo): - keep role-playing to a bare minimum, as it makes it hard to talk and get things across with all that's going on. - standard def should be 1 fully-healed non-damaging creature. - wins are NON-DAMAGE ONLY - no damagers or lifestealers (exception: targeting 'dying' against a full-health defender) - NO healing! Except at mp5, just like damage, it must be agreed upon by the defender. (exception: if all creatures in your ritual have at least full health, using healers is allowed since they wont really heal VE) - pay attention to chat announcements - if you break a rit, let everyone know as soon as you realize it.
If necessary, MRs will enforce these rules. Repeated violators will be banished in a dream.
First you should search your unidentified plants for some grains and grind them until you have
a fine flour. Then you should crush some rainbow candy, make sure not to throw away the
wrappings, and mix them with the water. Pour the dough in the cake form and put the cake in the
oven for one hour. Carefully take the cake out of the oven and take it out of the cake form,
then wrap it in the candy wrappings. There is your cake!
Ingredients Needed:
1 Aromatic Herbs
2 Unidentified Plants
1 Water
2 Rainbow Candy
Search for grains.
Grind the grains.
Crush the candy
Mix the ingredients
Put the dough in the cake form
Put the cake in the oven
Wait an hour.
Take the cake out of the oven
Take the cake out of the form
Wrap the cake in the wrappings
Aromatic Tea
Firstly, put in the leaves, covering the teapot's base with them.
You then need to pour some water onto the leaves. Next, you will need to
boil the water and after five minutes of waiting, the tea would then be
ready to be served.
Ingredients Needed:
2 Aromatic Herbs
3 Tea Leaves
1 Water
4 Tea Cups
Cover the base of the teapot with tea leaves and aromatic herbs.
Pour some water into the teapot.
Boil the water
Pour the hot water into the teapot.
Wait for 5 minutes.
Serve the tea.
Page 140 - The Shade Ballance - General
In secret, each faction searches for a uncommon advantage and prepares its strategy on everal plans. Spyes gather info, fighters experiment new rituals, mages research about rare powerfull forces,
worshipers try to summon deities, adevnturers try to recover old artefacts, eryone is trying to bring its contributions to the current events. For now, the most important powers that could dramaticaly change the world are:
Angiens, Book of Principles and The land defence weapons. However these are not the only things to be called into play. As researchers discover more and more documentations, rumors of other powers are revealed.
The future of this world is very uncertain. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it
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