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Page 588 - The Hunt for Red Presents
Aia, who had recently been given a stash of snowflakes, met with Ledah in Lore Sanctum and began discussions about what to do with their snowflakes. While quite a balmy evening in Loreroot the air felt a little nippy as Ledah entered holding his snowflakes, a fact that was also not missed by Ledah. During the discussion various options were considered, Ledah, being a proponent of fire-based solutions suggested burning them. Aia, being more cautious, recommended against fire within Loreroot suggesting it’s use be a last resort. Aia then watched a spirited attempt at threatening the inanimate snowflakes with violence. They continued to not react even with Ledah threatening what he called Snowflake 6 with his caretakers shovel. After a number of minutes and a torrent of threats directed towards them, the snowflakes continued to not change. Therefore a new plan was agreed on and the pair rushed off to try their secondary plan. ...
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