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Player ID: 192698
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 4
Luck : 0
Energetic immunity : 8
Trade sense : 7
Briskness : 8
Initiative : 0
Defence : 5
Attack : 13
Power : 1
Principle of Balance = 11
Principle of Light = 22
Principle of Imagination = 14
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 120 | Lost: 103
Honor: 1966
MindPower: 3
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Some of my creatures
Grasan II Aramor Assassin Assassin


                                                    Hu Phlung Pu (he blocked all messages... who do that?)

                                                       very much:

                                                    1. loud neighbourhood
                                                    2. having a house on a surface level
                                                    3. treason

                                                      not so much:

                                                                      **  this writings will be edited  **

Proud Champion member of Sisterhood


Mission Statement: The Sisterhood's mission is to support Magic Duel in all fun activities that brings the populace together as whole.

The following Sisterhood rules are not to be taken seriously.

1. You must be willing and able to smooch the men of MD indiscriminately..
2. You must be willing to share your weapons and other nasty toys with your sisters when asked..
3. You must be able to fight like a man but still look and smell like a woman.
4. You must be able to smell a bargain a mile away.
5. You must know all the Champions and have smooched them at least once.
6. You must take turns slurping your drink loudly, when with your Mistress and/or other sisters.

7. You must know how to play the Snicker game.

8. Pay attention to the Mood Panel for collective instruction. This rule is absolute!

9. You must read the forum for all SISTERHOOD related information. This rule is to be taken seriously!!

Active Members:

1. Sister Amoran/Kol

2. Sister SageWoman - Retarded....er..Retired! XD

3. Sister Falen Angel

4. Sister Mainnelle D Ashke

5. Sister Esmerelda

6. Sister Kriskah Arcanu

7. Sister Mya Celestia

8. Sister sasha lilias

9. Sister Ladytwin

10. Sister Nimrodel

11. Sister Nacirema Asu

12. Sister Lady Dawn

14. Sister Mysteria Blue

15. Sister Devie - New!!!

16. Sister Dark Mystic

17. Sister XinHun

18. Sister Nylah Raynen




Page 272 - The Shade Ballance - All
In a neutral place far in the Archives, several former alliance members negociate their future actions. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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