Hi I'm exploring and discovering the secrets of this World ...
(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.). If you want i can tell you asecret! Im just me being me
(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.). Knight
Knights of the medieval era were asked to "Protect the weak, defenseless, helpless, and fight for the general welfare of all." These were the main duties of a medieval knight, but they were very hard to accomplish thoroughly. Rarely, even the best of knights were able to fully meet these guidelines, which proves the difficulty of their lifestyle.
Knighthood consisted of all kinds of training including hunting, fighting, and riding horses. Apart from the physical training, knights were also trained to practice courtesy and honorable behavior which was extremely important. This was the main principle guiding a knight’s life style.
The military side of life was very important in the knighthood as well. Along with the fighting elements of war, there were many manners and rules to be followed as well. A way of demonstrating military prowess for a Knight was to own expensive, heavy weaponry. Weapons were not the only crucial instruments to a knight, horses were also extremely important. Each knight often owned several horses for distinct purposes.
One of the greatest signs of Knights was banners. These decorative banners were flown to show power and in combat when nobles and knights were taken prisoner, their lives were spared and were often held for ransom in somewhat comfortable surroundings.
Becoming a knight was not a widely attainable occupation in the medieval era. Only the sons of a knight were eligible to the ranks of knighthood. Those who were destined to become knights were singled out of society. In the years of boyhood, these future warriors were sent off to be trained using horses, weapons, fighting, and also courtesy.
Commonly around the age of twenty, knights would become admitted to their deserved rank by a ceremonial process called “dubbing.” Although these strong young men had proved their eligibility, their social status would permanently be controlled. The codes of knights were expected to be followed at all times, and any failure to follow instructions was not allowed.
Religion was greatly influenced by knights as well. The early Crusades helped decipher the moral code of knights as it related to religion. As a result, Christian armies began to devote their efforts to sacred purposes.
As time passed, clergy decided to found vows to the church which allowed knights to use their weapons chiefly for the protection of the weak and defenseless, especially women and orphans, and for the church in times of need.
(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.). History of the Controversy
The controversy has a long history, beginning with challenges made by various naturalists to biblical accounts of creation. In response to theories developed by scientists, some religious persons and organizations questioned the legitimacy of scientific ideas that call into question the creation account in Genesis.
Interpretation of the Judeo-Christian Bible had long been the prerogative of a priesthood able to understand Latin, but with the advent of the printing press, the translation of the Bible into other languages, and wider literacy, sundry and more literal understandings of scripture flourished. This allowed some religious persons and groups to challenge the establishment.
Today, many religious denominations accept that biological evolution has produced the diversity of life seen all around us.
Many have issued statements observing that evolution and the tenets of their faiths are compatible.
Theologians have written eloquently about their awe and wonder at the history of the universe and of life on this planet, explaining that they see no conflict between their faith in God and the evidence for evolution. Religious denominations that do not accept the occurrence of evolution tend to be those that believe in strictly literal interpretations of religious texts.
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Achivements Completed and in Progress
- did the breserker puzzle
- defeated first willow shop guard on mp3
- defeated second willow's shop guard on mp4
- entered loreloot
- entered necrovion
- placed in the top of the head context
- moved to mp5
- got 500 wins (almost done)
- got the spell to selinciate persons
- got XinHun as a slave
- controversy - join Cryxus boat im in crow's nest
- Member of I-Bid
- got promoved in I-Bid some times :P
I continue to seek knowledge...
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The Promotion
It started in the archieves when XinHun knew who to write about wolfs and moons power - maybe I would be promoved.
So now XinHun is my slave for a week and we get closer, good friends and she asked me if i know anyone that can transform into a wolf in the full moon
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I talked to Marvolo, we three went to the woods in the full moon, it was pretty dark, Marvolo started to transform and it was different he said to run ... it wasnt the normal transform ... he said that he was starting to want my blood ... but XinHun said it is my opportunity, it was unique, i said i have a new spell to have no smell and to vanish, to transform into a ghost.
So how was it for 2 people, it descontroled and we were like one only
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and i fell in that exact moment in love, it was weird, and we hid in the woods
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we could feel the same as Marvolo he was blue and grey with pink eyes, he wanted blood, he was descontroled,
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he went to a group of wolfs, and then they went to a lake, it was pretty scary i heard lots of birds
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something was happenning, and there was a women i didnt see well, she saied some words in latin, i heard someone say to "get back the shade sentinel", she threw a white cube intto the lake and a person started to get out of the lake...
(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
I saw more dark creatures comming, very scary
(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
some guardians of the woods and a boss
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... we ran out of there still not understanding what happened and over the next day we talked to Marvolo and he didn't remmember anything ...
Something happened that day, we are still trying to understand what ...
Some of my creatures
The balance
In a World of Controversy
Whose,I dont like, is not worthy of my friendship... Who does not hate
Does not love
The balance is everything and nothing at same time...
Page 123 - The Shade Ballance - Kn.
Trying to controll his killing instincts, the Knator thinks of what kind of members he should recruit for his taskforce.
"I do have enough millitary power if needed, what i need are indeed warriors that can handle uncommon situations, where force might not be required.
I dont think that the shades recruited humans because of their strenght". ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it
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