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Player ID: 66962
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Regeneration : 13
Energetic immunity : 13
Trade sense : 9
Briskness : 16
Initiative : 9
Defence : 32
Attack : 41
Power : 8
Luck : 7
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Principle of Syntropy = 69
Principle of Imagination = 79
Principle of Light = 73
Transposition Principle = 38
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Battle stats
Won: 217 | Lost: 483
Honor: 4645
MindPower: 4
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most of you might know this situation: sometimes you seriously ask yourself if the world\'s gone nuts or if it\'s just you. well, while he always was pretty sure about the first part, he soon started to realise that he is no exception here. it is comforting to a certain degree to know that everyone, including yourself, is totally bonkers. but you still have to interact with your environment and it doesn't neccessarily help to take this lunacy (i.e. virtually everything) with an ironic, sometimes sardonic, sense of humor. while he doesnt take too much serious, the thing he really is interested in, is the nature, the many peculiarities, of all this madness. his actions and acting may seem random most of the time, but thats partly to make fun of these who take themself serious. when he speaks, deep insights in philosophy, a persons character, or the mechanics of this world are as possible and likely as drolly nonsense. it\'s at you to judge.

if his character was shaped by these "circumstances" or if they are a manifestation of his slightly twisted, yet strong will is impossible to tell. fact is that he not only sees the world with different eyes than most, the world tends to act differently when he is around. this might show in spectacular, hilarious, yet mostly harmless effects. for example, a dagger thrown at a target might fly in trajectories bending the laws of physiks, ricocheting off of multiple objects and hitting the confused thrower with the handle. spells casted on him or in his present might have strange side-effects or simply puff out in a cloud of colorfull, funny-smelling smoke.

[on a sidenote: if i am trying to ridicule you, please don't be offended. it actually shows that you have an established role to make fun of ;) ]
Some of my creatures
Chaos Archer Dark Archer III Grand Devourer Water Daimon II Broad Sky Animated Tree III Grasan Huvourer

Page 355 - The Inner Sun - Ren., Am.
"Personal strife is what leads us to our rewards," is Amoran's simple reply. Renavoid nods, understanding her response, and continues the lesson. "Hmm...but perhaps not quite so personal then? Perhaps we have need to include more people so that our hardships are not our own...I've been dreaming..." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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