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Player ID: 70557
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 46
Energetic immunity : 50
Trade sense : 26
Briskness : 75
Initiative : 52
Defence : 288
Attack : 587
Power : 45
Luck : 21
Royal Guard
Principle of Cyclicity = 1016
Principle of Light = 587
Principle of Enthropy = 611
Principle of Imagination = 455
Principle of Balance = 55
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Battle stats
Won: 959 | Lost: 1198
Honor: 112
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
I have won heads contest i came in 3rd
my list on who i will kill any time i want, but still i will kill all mp4 in any place

i will kill anyone in my way i am very strong you do not want to be on my mp4 hitlist
i have won HC 2rd place you step in my way and i will kill you
                                                       HIT LIST
Some of my creatures

i hate no body but i guess so many hates me
HOW TO GET FREE CREDITS ON THIS GAME: Look at the top of the screen and you will see a \"RED BUTTON\" titled \"FREE CREDITS\" click it and vote there you will get temporary Vital Energy,Value Points and Action points BUT the MOST IMPORTANT IS you get SMALL FREE CREDITS,you just need to accumulate it to $2.00 to convert it

Don\'t know how to Become an Adept? Simply click on the circle located below your stats and where the box is type in the name of the person you want to become an adept of exactly as it appears.


A LITTLE ADVICE FOR NEWBIES ESPECIALLY MP3(more on the last part of this page): choose 6 creatures that you think you will use to level up,try to protect these creatures by buying 10 heretic archers and making 10 defense rituals with 1 archer per ritual,1 creature ritual i mean and put it to 0%,that way you wont lose your personal ve and your creatures ve

HEALING RITUALS: Composes of creatures that can heal and creatures that has the ability to weaken defense like (heretic archers, grasans 2 and 3,bloodpact archers and birdies).NOTE: CREATURE IN A HEALING RITUAL SHOULD HAVE AT LEAST 301 HP(TOTAL)


1. Make a LEVEL 2 barren soul. Coz they can target DYING creatures. Level 1 barrens has a lesser chance to fully heal your creatures due to low healing power and it sometimes heal the creatures who have full lyf already. it heals on random.

2. If you\'ll make heal rituals with me or with others better use creatures with very low lyf but should atleast reach 301 hp(TOTAL). NEVER put creatures on a ritual that are fully healed already (EXCEPT BARREN SOULS) ITS USELESS.

3. if you think you are 1 of the strongest players in your mind power and you will not lose 100% in battle if ever some1 is stronger than you,i recommend you make a ritual with your best creatures and make it win so many times.the max is 100 wins. if it is max, you can heal your creatures very fast just by attacking.it will give bonus lyf. but if you lose your ritual 100%,the combo wins will be lost. Its not just healing i can give. If you have questions about the game I can also help you with informations that can help you in the game. If ever im in battle mode and my healing mode is off,try to study my ritual and think of a way to defeat it. Look at my craetures and try to see what their capabilities are so that you\'ll be able to think of some ways to counter it. HAVE FUN GUYS!!!!ALL HAIL MUR THE GREAT for making a very fantastic game and all the players who are active in this game.

1. Heal your creatures faster.
2. Conserve personal Vital Energy

1. Small negative expi for your creatures
2. Doing heal rit in a vulnerable place will surely get your creatures be vulnerable to death too

HOW TO PROTECT YOUR GOOD CREATURES: Choose 6 creatures you want to level up,then buy 10 more heretic archers coz you can get 16 maximum creatures.make a defense ritual with only 1 heretic archer on 0%,so that your good creatures will not die.then repeat the same step if ever your defense creature died just revive it.

Page 364 - The Inner Sun - Bo., Tar., Iam.
The sounds of battle ring out across the dojo. As I am Bored passes through the dojo, a man approaches and speaks with him. Bored’s face lights up, “You want to know about my book?! Awesome!!” He begins to rant and becomes completely oblivious to his environment. Another man brushes by Bored; he does not pause to fold the paper, but hurries on his way instead. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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