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Professor Moriarty
Knight Logic
Undercover Joe




Player ID: 103401
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 1982
Energetic immunity : 2850
Trade sense : 1385
Briskness : 1659
Initiative : 1052
Defence : 6060
Attack : 14540
Power : 1407
Luck : 420
Herbalism : 13
Experimentalism : 0
Waterhandling : 2
Filtering : 0
Volition : 63
Cartography : 11
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Demon Set
Principle of Cyclicity = 4000
Principle of Enthropy = 4000
Element Principle = 4000
Darkness Principle = 4000
Principle of Balance = 4000
A paranoid and delusional citizen of No Man\'s Land and former rebel. The result of years spent wandering the barren land under the ever-present sun. His words and actions rarely make sense to anyone but himself.
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 14828 | Lost: 15180
Honor: 4876
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Announcements Log
(Average of 1.287 updates per day, count started 1892 days ago)
Ann. 2408 - [2012-10-14 00:28:24 - Stage 11]
In previous years players have kept a list of wishes on their personal papers so that unseen forces might be so kind as to grant them if they so choose. For one reason or another this tradition has gone by the wayside recently and we would like to remind players that this is something that benefits you ultimately, so it is worthwhile doing. Your wishes can be anything, as big or as small as you like. You could wish to be a king, or just for a silver coin. The list should be at the very start of your personal papers so it is easy to find.
 My Wish List:

A stick of Dynamite.


(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
Some of my creatures
Elemental V Doppelganger BloodPact Chaos Archer Unholy Pope Master Sharptear Majestic Winderwild Hollow Warrior Water Daimon III Mop


 An old page from the citizenship form:

You are part of .:No Man's Land:.

Your land is not ruled by a king and so does not have
sovereign laws to be followed.


You have risen against the king. Due to the instability within the
land caused by this, you will not gain all the benefits of your land
but are in a position to dethrone the king.

My old Tag & Description:


 No Man's Land Rebel

A citizen of No Mans land that
revolted against whatever power
there is missing in NML.

I am not actually a citizen of .:No Man's Land:..
Yet I was able to rebel against a non-existent being that rules a
land that cannot be ruled. You might be asking yourself how
this is possible. The answer is simple.

I love pushing B U T T O N S

Ways of everyone.

1.       Everyone is a potential enemy. Until proven otherwise, discretion is to
        be used in their presence.Ways to determine if everyone can be trusted
        will be detailed somewhere in this document...

2.        Tiny Men, Empty Aramors, Shades, and disembodied voices are
         also not to be trusted. Attacking usually helps to rid oneself of these
         illusions. However, dispersing them makes protecting yourself from  
         them impossible.Best to just observe them and wait. The disembodied
         voices are harder to deal with. Deafness helps, but is a little too
         permanent for my liking.

3.        Friends, enemies and everything else is to be observed closely, but
         from afar. Just to be safe. Many things can be learned from everyone
        when they don't know their being watched. All manners of visual
        deception are permitted when observing an object of interest.
4.       Plants of all types are not to be trusted unless tried and tested. These
        include Nightshade, Tomatoes, Yellow herbs, Toxic plants, Tea leaves,
        Aromatic herbs, Potatoes, Flowers and any other Unidentified plants
        that may exist.

5.       Staring at the ever present sun is an excellent means of gaining piercing
       vision. Confusion caused by illusion can easily be dispelled by using this
       technique. Ghosts and dead people can also be seen better after a few
       minutes spent watching the sun.

6.       Anything and everything can be predicted or decided by rolling a die or
       dice. Be it big or small, they will provide an answer. Simply ask the die
       or dice a question and roll. An odd number means yes and an even number
       means no. If the question is complicated more dice and/or rolls may be
I'll add to the list as I realize them.

Page 291 - A Freezing Firestarter END
Phrog's spirit immediately escapes the log and deftly seeps into the Drachorn's Lair. In the lair, it binds its personality to two of the drachorns tied down by many little people. The drachorns' powers grow immensely, and they break their bonds. Phrog's spirit is so completely filled by the drachorns' presences, that it takes a physical form once more. Phrog is the master of flames, a true firestarter that has the ability to motivate drachorns to escape the little people with new masters sent by phrog's influence. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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