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Player ID: 114469
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Regeneration : 23
Energetic immunity : 36
Trade sense : 15
Briskness : 25
Initiative : 8
Defence : 62
Attack : 167
Power : 52
Luck : 11
Woodcutting : 0
Filtering : 0
Volition : 0
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Royal Guard
Sun God Armour
Time Principle = 153
Principle of Light = 271
Transposition Principle = 340
Principle of Syntropy = 234
Principle of Imagination = 16
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 568 | Lost: 689
Honor: 2220
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Who is Fenris?

     Who am I? well that is a very complicated question with an even more complicated answer. I guess you could say that I am a man who knows what he wants and doesn’t want to get it, one who know the road he must walk yet takes the other path on the way. My father banished me from his lands and now I wander the world in search of a perfect place to live. My father thought me to be a criminal, a thief that does not deserve this inheritance, so now I run with my only family the wolves who have accepted me as their Leader. The way to my inheritance is my path, I just choose to take another: the path that is not covered by my fool of a father’s shadow, the path towards forging a name for my self. As I have grown closer with my wolves I have been able to become one, if you ever see a black wolf with a white tail then you have seen me.


Watch out for my Wolf. His name is Fell and he will protect me at all costs, but dont worry, he is nice as long as you are. He has a brown coat with a white patch at his chest.

Some of my creatures
Joker Knator War Master Elemental V Unholy Priest II Walking Tree Hollow Warrior Master Lorerootian Archer Majestic Winderwild

people who should die

Hypocrites. I hate hypocrites, for they are the lowest form of human and need to be eradicated.


People who put others down make me angry. Everyone is different and should not be picked on because of their differences.


People who look for fights and try to prove themselves make me want to go crazy. The only person that you need to prove yourself to is yourself.

The way
All combat is is the flow of energy. To win you must be able to see that and not allow the output to exceed the input. This applies to everything. Keeping balance and not allowing others disturb that.

Page 565 - One Man, Many voices
As the red services speech neared its end she walked over to the old man. An arm darting out from the circle caught her by surprise and unbalanced her, pulling her into… darkness. The Gazebo had gone but the old man came into focus. The old man, cold sweat beading on his forehead, spoke quietly and quickly. “The shades will poison you, you must help me, save me from this”. His voice rapidly speeding up and finally rasping the final words “kill me”. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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