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Player ID: 1698
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Regeneration : 23
Luck : 10
Energetic immunity : 27
Trade sense : 17
Initiative : 14
Defence : 27
Briskness : 24
Attack : 52
Power : 14
Volition : 1
Cartography : 2
Sun God Armour
Royal Guard
Principle of Balance = 66
Transposition Principle = 49
Darkness Principle = 62
Principle of Imagination = 19
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Battle stats
Won: 172 | Lost: 251
Honor: 1239
MindPower: 4
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I bring the Frost

Beneath my tightly wrapped jacket lies the force of the arctic. Every inch of skin must be protected from the sun lest I melt – evidence is shown in my errr... what used to be legs. I must shuffle around in this dreaded human world, but take me to the glaciers, the ice sheets, the blizzards, and I will grow. Power will crunch beneath my feet as I pull on the full force of the aurora to engulf my soul and channel its anger. Bitter Anger. So long it has waited with will, and now I provide the means.

You might at this time want to read my Hate List to view the true source of this eternal rage.


Below I hope to provide a description of how certain souls will enter a deep freeze for all time. Forever preserved within a too perfect prison of ice, destined to spend all eternity being punished for no apparent reason, sometime even unknown to their selves

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Notice that my chilling glare of disapproval has frozen them right to the core. They are already dead and they know that. They know this from the shards of ice that have formed in their veins, ripping them open form the inside. The extreme sensation that all has been lost, every possible happy thought has been blown away in a blizzard of depression. And when they reach that lowest state, the state where they do not panic, they do not fear, they simply cannot go on. I am there for them. I devour all taht is left and it makes me stronger. I feed on their impurities. I feed on their fears. The coldness of their hearts warms me, inside my stomach. And I grow. 
Some of my creatures
Life Sucker Chaos Archer Master of The Bow Water Daimon III Knator War Master Walking Tree Dude Full-grown Winderwild Elite Lorerootian Archer Pimped Grasan

The Source of all My World's Anger

The anger that steams from pure beauty. Perfection can never be reached, there will always be another element that goes astray as something nears perfection - to restore and maintain the cosmic balance that lies within. From the perfection of visual pleasure comes a monstrously disgusting foulness which rears its ugly head as forcefully solid raging anger.

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Behind this delicate sight is the rage of a misinterpreted power, far beyond that of what the tiny human mind could ever imagine. Cast as a warning to us all that it was coming to crush, the lights that dance in the northern sky have been misinterpreted by unguided beings as a gift. What has enraged the power so is how souls have clung to it for support and guidance. The very souls it despises so.

For countless years it has tried to find a chanel into our worlds and dementions so basic to its self. But then there was me...

Page 241 - The Shade Ballance - Sm.
SmartAlekRJ returns and steps into the open air of the balcony where everyone is locked 'in.' He kicks a few sleeping people, "Hey! Get up! This meeting was your idea originally, but now I'm taking it over, so wake up or I'll sic my drachorns and little people on you!" ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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