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Player ID: 177997
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Regeneration : 6
Energetic immunity : 7
Trade sense : 1
Briskness : 7
Initiative : -2
Defence : 14
Attack : 12
Power : 7
Luck : 2
Principle of Enthropy = 61
Principle of Cyclicity = 76
Principle of Balance = 53
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Won: 103 | Lost: 69
Honor: 9
MindPower: 3
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Well I dont really know what to say.Im a forest golem and i stand about 7 times taller then a human I guess.I used to be bigger,untill i went into very deep water.That shrunk more.Hopefully Ill grow back to regular size.By now I have fianly reached my full height of 25 humans

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one of my marks is the graffitie that written on me.it nothing but bad memories.I also usally communicate telepathicly.I normaly dont keep time but im well over 8000 celstail(years) cycles.

Thanks to Adam Icepheonix I no longer have graffity on me I thank him much

Thanks to Sagewomen I found out about loreroot.Cant wait to get in.


I wont go long on details.More of a condensed version.One day after walking around huge falmes apeared over the horizen.So i decided to check it out.When I got there a village was on fire,peoples were dieing,children were crying.It was terrible.Arrows flew,swords crashed,but I merly watched not knowing what to do.After sevral moon cycles it stopped.The area except the village and me was devoid of all life.Despite my kins warning I ventured closer to the village.They were scared of me at first,but as I began to help them they grew to trust me.And me to trust them despite the terrible damged caused.

  After awhile I stayed and "protected" the village.Though there wasnt much danger besides the occasinal vine viper or 2.Anyways time went on and the only times I left the village area was to visit my kins men every 3 moon cycles or to get lightning stone every 36 moon cycles(months).The children often visted me and planted plants on me.I didnt mind and grew to like these people.

Then one day while I was making way to get lightning stone the sound of screaming filled the air.I lumber back and saw that the same people that cuased the fire,and the pain were back.They began killing the villigers.But this time I would not sit and watch as they did this.I charged in and faught blindly.But there number over came me and I blacked out.And I was taken not left.

Next thing I know I find myself in a wooden room.The smell of ocean water filled the air.I was scared.Worst of all I was chained down.Then these people came down and began painting me and all kinds of stuff.Then one day great storm came and crashed the ship.I sank,and sank in what seemed to be a nerver ending darkness.When I hit the bottem the chains broke andI began walking in this cold darkness were no light hit.Soon I found my self on Golomus and began my new life hear.


Other Information

There are 7 main rocks that goelm is made of.


Some of my creatures
golem Elite Lorerootian Archer Elite Knator

I dont hate many things but i do fear or dislike certain things.

1.Fire-they burn forest like my home.I dont mind usally,but when its crazy well it like a scar

2.Very deep water-so dark and cold.Sometimes I just stay away from water in genaral

3.The Dark

4.People writing on me that usally happens when I sleep


Has natural control over elemetns.Mainly earth and wind.

A special kind of regeneration(if he wasnt so weak that is)

Healing(takes up his enargy though)


A very large sac

A dry seaweed cloak that covers him.It become wet and slimy if he gos into water


Fire Forest

Life is much like a flame

First you see it then you dont

A spark is lit,and then the spark is gone

No one knows who started the fire or why

Maby becuase we were diffrent,or they were cruel

But in the end it didnt matter

Becuase in that fire forest

I survied

I was alive

But my family died

So it really dosnt matter why



now i dont hate anybody but i certinly dislike people for certian reasons, following is an example. (Name of person involved removed to protect there identy since i am only using this as an example)


???(And do I like one of you?)
???(You sure?)
golem(well unless you were lieing im pretty sure)
????(Because that has ended now.)
golem(oh well that isnt my problem)
????(I don't like beings that lie to me.)
????(So I am ending this conversation.)
golem(what does this have to with my alts or me?)
golem(okay that (removed) has issues)
golem*watches the inside of the pub* [...]


Now apprently i lied to him/her (without ever lieing to him/her none the less) and apprently now said person hates or rather does not want to interact at all my alts (i have no main and this is what i understand by the person written actions) and leaves without an explanation. There several problem i have with this, one is she/he will probly end up interacting with me again which defeats the above statement statement, and 2 dosnt bother even explaining to me and assume it my fault for most likely something she/he did. But nope the person just ups and leaves. Am I the only one seeing a problem with this?


Page 578 - The Hunt for Red Presents
With various people seeking a method to deal with the elf murderer, speak to the fat man, or revive the elf, Aamon went off in a different tact. Looking for more elf magic he stumbled upon a number of Unmeltable Snowflakes. Thinking these may contain some elf magic he started to gather them from around MagicDuel. After being kept together for a period of time it began to snow, originally just around Aamon but then spreading to the whole of MagicDuel. As the evening draw near the snow started to lay a a little, lightly covering the area around Aamon. Who knows what might happen if more of these are brought together or if the snow continues... ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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