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Player ID: 75947
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Regeneration : 6
Energetic immunity : 4
Trade sense : 2
Briskness : 6
Initiative : -3
Defence : 4
Attack : 11
Power : 2
Luck : 6
Principle of Imagination = 18
Principle of Enthropy = 23
Darkness Principle = 34
Time Principle = 29
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 109 | Lost: 108
Honor: 5031
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Currently doing a Research about the Shades. any information about the shades, send me a message. \"Adopt
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My Findings about the shades: Nature of the shades: If Necrovion is a mirror, the Shades are the images that appear when we look into the glass. They are not a reflection of each of us but rather a reflection of our actions. They are created by our strivings for good or for ill, our obsessions, temptations yielded to and resisted. If we are hostile, they are hostile. If we are meek, they are meek (although uncomfortable in this state). If we seek dialogue, they seek dialogue. They see us a strange, small, isolated creatures, short on abilities. And yet they have curiosity about us - which probably reflected our curiosity about them. We wonder about the nature of the Shades. Some call them evil - and yet they have never attacked us directly. Some call them morally neutral but dangerous... Other say they seek only power and energy. None name them beneficient. The nature of the shades may reflect our own nature... -Meeting the Shades, Khalazdad\'s Mission

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Some of my creatures
Grasan II


Page 193 - The Shade Ballance - Sm.
SmartAlekRJ received a pleading request for his assistance in a mission. Now, after deciding it might be worth it, he begins sending messages for those involved to gather at the Tranquil Plains for a meeting as soon as they can. RJ looks at the Howling Gates in the far distance and smirks. "Everyone knows drachorns hate you..." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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