My name is Cain Icepheonix. I am usually friendly. My friends, you know who you are. I am a phoenix and my attributes and my past is in my story. I have a human form that stands at 7'1" and is well built, but not too bulky, allowing me to fit into society. I'm 1432 years old in phoenix years, but in human years I'm 7160 years old. My human form reverted to the age of 21 when I arrived here. Nowadays, I'm usually in my Eclipse form and found with Suki (Kyuuketsuki) my lover.
My Story
I was born from a far away galaxy where all stars where made from phoenix that had finally perished after feeling immortality was too much for them. Right after I was born I had discovered my powers. This was not typical of our kind. Most destined to become a full fledged phoenix don't usually develop their powers until they are 12-18 years of age. After I was born I changed into a phoenix (a small one) and destroyed much of the hospital, but luckily no one was injured. I was raised by my parents, who were powerful phoenix, training me and helping me control my powers. At first everyone thought the only thing different about me was how early my powers developed, but then, when I was 14, we found out I had more powers. I was able to turn into an ice form and control water and another form, the legendary moon phoenix. There were only 2 phoenixes before me who had these powers and they had perished and become 2 of the most beautiful stars in the galaxy. At some point after I had mastered all the known powers of all three types of phoenix, I decided to explore the universe. While flying around, for some strange unknown reason, I was attracted to this world, the world of MD. I have settled here and now I live on and let my story unfold here in this world. I currently reside around Marind Bell Lands. I came into existence some time after Adam Icepheonix's (also known as icepheonix5) arrival. We share a past, but upon my birth, we separated. We share information as we lead our own lives. The information we share is only that of friends and council meetings.
My Birth
At first I was part of Adam Icepheonix. He was constantly drawn into meetings and given loads of work upon his arrival in this realm. Eventually the stress on his mind started building up massive amounts of energy. At some point the energy gathered was detected by the council. The council saw it to be hazardous to his health and decided to take it out of him. The spell relieved the stress from Adam and the energy was taken out, but with it I was taken out. From the energy I slowly formed. The council at first wanted to get rid of me, but Adam intervened. He felt he had known I was within him all his life and his parents accepted me as they noticed me within him as well. So I became known as his twin brother and we now rule side by side. I was named Cain Icepheonix by the council.
Fire Phoenix
Regular form is a typical phoenix with feathers of multiple hues of yellow, orange, and red. Can change size. Controls fire and heat. Can control wind with wings. Can go supernova and omega supernova. Can fly at 10 times the speed of light. Has a form of pure fire.
Ice Phoenix
Regular form is a phoenix with feathers of multiple hues of blue, green, and purple. Can change size. Controls water in all its forms and cold. Can control wind with wings. Can reach absolute zero temperatures. Can fly at the speed of light. Has a form made of clear ice.
Moon Phoenix
Appears as a phoenix with rainbow colored feathers. Glistens as if it were covered with diamonds in the presence of moonlight. Can meld with shadows and travel teleport through shadows and moonlight. Can release a glitter like substance when it flaps its wings. Can fly at 10 times the speed of light. Can change size. Can control all four elements. There are only a few moon phoenix existant, but there can only be a maximum of 3 who have the powers of the Fire and Ice phoenix as well. They each act as a guardian for all phoenix.
Appear as humans with wings. Their wings are colored depending on the phoenix powers being concentrated. Can fly at 10 times the speed of light. Can change size. Has enhanced strength, speed, endurance, and agility. Powers change depending on the phoenix powers being concentrated.
Eclipse Moon Phoenix
Appears as a hybrid with black wings that have vein like patterns that change color depending on the mood of the phoenix. Has all the powers of all phoenix, but 10 times stronger. Uses a katana enscribed with ancient runes as a weapon. Has 100 times the enhanced strength, speed, endurance, and agility of a hybrid. This is the most powerful form of phoenix that has appeared. This form can be acquired by a moon phoenix after it goes through an incredible amount of emotional stress. Once the transformation has been made, it can be used multiple times.
Abilities of all
They can all use the rebirth process.
They can all draw power from the sun, even the Ice Phoenix. Because of the power of the moon phoenix, they all become much stronger during an eclipse.
There is a sealed form... in this form, all powers are sealed off except the rebirth process. The phoenix must die for it to activate. If the phoenix commits suicide, the process will not activate and the phoenix will die and become a star. Once the phoenix has been reborn 3 times, it will break the seal.

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