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Night Skies
Ghost Inc
Silver Drachorn




Player ID: 26814
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Regeneration : 13
Energetic immunity : 7
Trade sense : 7
Initiative : 0
Defence : 40
Briskness : 7
Attack : -40
Power : 32
Luck : 7
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Element Principle = 299
Darkness Principle = 43
Principle of Imagination = 94
Principle of Light = 274
Principle of Syntropy = 89
Former Chief of Staff of the Dojo
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Battle stats
Won: 556 | Lost: 1606
Honor: 4865
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Learning My Way Around MD Again
Day 187, year 5 : I've woken from a year long nap to find many changes. I've seen many familiar faces as well as many new faces. There are places that seem new as well. I must familiarize myself with MagicDuel once more...

Jazira is a lover of peace and life.

Affiliations :

  • Jonn made it possible for her to become LHO and Dojo Staff. 
  • Her sister is Assiralc, who is also a shapeshifer.
  • Her brother is Gremlin.
  • Everyone who is a part of Loreroot

Affiliated Homeland : Loreroot

Wished Abilities :

  • A healing spell to heal all MPs when they require it.  

Achievements thus far :

  • MP3 - Completed Berserker's Challenge. Defeated Willows Guards. Defeated Loreroot Guards, but did not explore much of Loreroot. Became Dojo Staff and LHO Trainee. 
  • MP4- Completed said challenges. Became a member for the Newspaper. Has Aquired 4 of 6 pages from the Combat Guide for Pamplemousse/Lightsages Quest. Became a member of the Sisterhood.
  • Moved up to MP5 - stuck in Chapter 3 of Story Mode.

Items : Key to Room 8 - Root of the Matter Inn

Items given to other players:

Vial of Hearts' Blood - Mainnalle D Ashkera
Light Blue Collar with Large Diamond - assiralc
20 Scales, taken from me while in Drachorn form - Gremlin

 Items given by other players:

Quartz Energy Ring : Zalabar
One Free Heal Token - Gargant
One Very Sharp Skewer... - Merewen
Golden Friendship Necklace with a Black Gem (Also a Drachorn Collar) - Gremlin
Bag of many vials - aranna20008

(Jazira in her Draiken form, holding a ball of ice surrounded by flame)

About my character :

Jazira has recently learned that she has a little sister, Assiralc, who is also a shapeshifter. It is unknown to Jazira at this time if Assiralc has any magical abilities as of now.
Jazira is a fast healing shapeshifter, who has limited use of magic. In her preferred form, the Draiken, she stands about five and a half feet tall, with long dark hair and golden dragons' eyes. She looks to be in her early twenties. Her fave is that of a pretty human girl, but her ears are those of a dragon. Her upper torso is normal for a human female, except for the silver dragons' wings on her back. The bottom half of her body is that of a silver dragon; legs, clawed feet, and a long tail.
She is usually calm and caring, but she does tend to lose her temper sometimes. She can also be quite playful and even sometimes becomes lost in thought.

Her use of magic is limited to the elements. She can make fire, water, earth, and air do as she wishes, although it takes a considerable more amount of energy than does shapeshifting.

As for her shape-shifting, she may become any creature or combination of creatures that she wishes to become. Any non- human creature or part of creature she turns into will always be silver, just as any time she turns human, her face will always be the same human face every time. Any creature she changes into will also have the same features as the last time she changed into, no matter the size she takes.

Another part of her shape-shifter heritage, is that she can heal others' ailments, but it is not for the faint of heart. Literally. To heal others, she must take the blood from her own heart with her tail and stab it into the wounded person's heart. The wounded will heal and be cured of any ailments or wounds, included the newest heart wound, within seconds. However, doing such, Jazira herself will not heal as fast as she normally would. In fact, while she may not die of the self inflicted wound, she will take days to heal.
Jazira can shapeshift into a maximum of 6 creatures per hour, depending on the size of the creatures and what form she is in. If the creature she shapeshifts into is much larger or much smaller than the first one, then it takes much more energy than something that were of relative size to the first form. The much larger or much smaller she changes into, the fewer times she can shapeshift during that hour.
Other favorite forms include: wolf, hawk/falcon, small and large dragons, and fiaylee.

Fiaylee -

A fiaylee is a very intelligent bird. It can speak its own mind and carry on a decent, if not intelligent, conversation, unlike a parrot who only copies sounds.
A very defining characteristic of a fiaylee is its feathers and what those feathers create:
A female fiaylee has very long, almost hair-like tail feathers, and a male fiaylee has very stiff, but still somewhat long tail feathers. If either ever present you with a tail feather, do not hesitate to take it. It could very offensive if you try to decline such a present.
As for the feathers themselves, they contain and create dust of a sort that can only be washed off. If you do not wash it with soap, then it will only spread, which isnt necessarily a bad thing, mind you. This dust is not like what you would find in a house. This dust is actually made of precious stones, such as Emerald, or Gold and Silver, Ruby, Sapphire, and so on.
You could take one little, tiny speck of this dust, rub it, and it would spread and cover such a large area. You could turn simple objects such as a hankerchief or a pot, and turn it into a gold dusted item. It could sell for ... who knows what price. A very large price, I would imagine. 
Each feather can continue to make this dust until the feather itself is demolished, by fire, ice, or other means.

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
Some of my creatures
Master Lorerootian Archer Knator War Master Majestic Winderwild

Savelites Church

King Firsanthalas has given me permission to attempt to revive the Savelites Church. There will be many changes, but its main goal will remain the same as always – to help and heal the people of the MD realm.


It may be that my way of thinking is much different than what the church was used to be about, but as it stands, no one seems willing to take a stand to save it. I do not want to see an important part of Loreroot simply disappear or get moved to another location for what ever reasons there are. Savelites Church is part of Loreroot, and no matter if it disappears or gets moved, it will ALWAYS be part of Loreroot.


 What is written below must still gain approval of Firs!!

 Values : The church worships Life and Nature


 Principle Influence : Cyclicity


 Purpose : To nurture any and all 'life' within the realm, not just Loreroot. We aim to help those who ask for it, and defend those who need it. We aim to reach out to the community and ensure the safety of the Lorerootian forest as well as plants found all over.



1) To provide a safe experience for people to learn to fight and defend, not simply gain wins or losses.

2) To help, heal, and defend Loreroot, people from all over the realm, and all aspects of Nature throughout the realm.

3) Provide lessons and sermons regarding Life, Nature, and different aspects of fighting.


Organization :

1) Arch Bishop - The leader of the Savelites. Experience in all things, and brings matters of importance to the council for final decisions.

2) Bishops – the leaders. There will be no single leader of the Church, but a council that will decide all matters together. They have experience in all related duties of the Church.

3) Paladins – Members who focus on the helping and teaching of the ways of fighting.

4) Clerics – Members who focus on the helping and healing of people, as well as tending to all the plants and forests

5) Initiates – Those who wish to join, but must yet prove themselves able to follow the rules of the King, Loreroot, and the Church. 


All members and initiates will be required to give a sermons each month. The sermon will be based on their expertise, whether it be on Nature and Healing, or Fighting and Defending, or all aspects of the church for the Initiates. Bishops will provide a sermons that may regard all or only one aspect of the Church. Sermons, or teachings, may start being held only once a month, but once there are more members, it could be moved to twice a month.


 Members are encouraged to learn self-defense and creature fighting techniques, but fighting (as in arguing or ‘loud’ disagreements) should be kept near to non-existent. Pride, bravery, or just the desire to fight and argue should be set aside when joining the Savelites. We are here to help others grow. Fight only to defend others, and yourself. However, if you are constantly provoked, it may be acceptable to ‘defend’ yourself against the one who is provoking you.


We worship Savelfuser, the Great Ghost and original founder of the Savelites Church. He was a great fighter and protector. He taught and healed, and was well respected as a whole. He had large amount of followers and worshippers during his time. We will always keep him in our memories and thoughts.

Quests and Sisterhood

 My Quests

The Knack (currently: INACTIVE!)

     I seem to have lost my knack for pouncing. I require you to find it. One of these persons will have it. In order for you to recieve it, however, you must pounce on them THREE times, and have them mark your public log saying you did so BEFORE you ask for this knack. The person you pounce on must respond to your Role Playing for it to count. If the person is Idle or away, then obviously the pounces wouldnt count.

The person who has my knack will change after each person completes this quest, so there cannot be cheating or changing of information. After receiving the marks in your log, return to me and I will tell you if that person had my knack or if they did not. Good luck!

     The people who may possibly have this knack are : 
Gremlin (has quest), *SageWoman*, *Clock Master*, Firsanthalas, Nimrodel, Shantu, *Mya Celestia*.

Please note that these people may also have a quest of their own before you may have to complete before claiming a reward ^_^

Reward : A Silver Fiaylee Feather - Creates silver dust until feather is destroyed by extreme heat or cold, or other such means. Read my Personal page for further details of the Fiaylee. (Role Play Item Only)

Winners : Strongwilled Legna, *SageWoman*

Who is IT?

(Currently : INActive)

Objective : to involve as many people as possible before the game ends

Rules :

- If you are IT, you must tag another player to pass on the title of IT, then return to me.To pass on the title, mark in their public logs that you tagged them AFTER you have roleplayed the event with the person.

- Other players : If you do not wish to play, let IT know so that they may tag another player instead.

- If a player is leaving while IT, they may pass the title on through a messag 

-IT may tag only ONE person to pass on the title    

 -Every person may be tagged more than once during the game          

 -Once a player has been tagged, mark it in their log so that I may see it. Once the title is passed on, the new  IT must send me a message (or come find me) stating who tagged them and I will then be able to give the  reward for the former IT

Acceptable ways of passing on the title :

           -Touching with any part of your body (non- sexually)


           -Sneaking and  touching

           - Using an inanimate object (twig, branch, rocks (be sure not to harm anyone)

           -Using a familiar / animal to do the touching for you

Unacceptable ways :

- creature fighting or Roleplay fighting

Rewards : 

(Roleplay Items Only, see Personal Comments Page for information on Fiaylee)

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

IT once : 1 silver fiaylee feather, 5 silver dragon scales

IT twice : 2 silver fiaylee feathers, 10 silver dragon scales

IT three times : 1 silver fiaylee feather, 5 silver dragon scales, 1 small vial of Heart’s Blood

IT four times : 2 silver fiaylee feathers, 10 silver dragon scales, 1 medium vial Heart’s Blood

IT five times or more : 3 feathers, 15 scales, 1 large vial Heart’s Blood

 One small vial of Heart’s Blood each time thereafter

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

 Limited stock :

15 small vials 

 10 medium vials

  5 large vials

Current Rewards Given :

Nimrodel (hasn't been recieved yet) - 1 feather, 5 scales

Manda - 1 feather, 5 scales

BFH LIGHTNING - 1 feather, 5 scales



The following are not to be taken seriously.  We are not an alliance nor do we seek to become one...unless asked by HIM.

1. Ye must be able to wear a dress without tripping.

 2. Thy hair must touch thy waist or lower. (Does that make sense, Lucius?)

 3. Ye must be able to sword fight with one hand and hold your dress up with the other.

4. Ye must be able to tell when a man is lying.

5. Ye must be able to smell a bargain a mile away.

6. Ye must conduct yourself in a courtly manner...when needed.

7. Ye must be able to fight 10 times in a row...and still smell like a rose.

8. Ye must be able to fight and not smudge thy lipstick.

 9. Ye must be a hellion behind closed doors and a conduct thyself as a Lady in public.

 10. Must be able to drink thy tea...without slurping. (Whenever we are together, someone slurp (loudly) so the others can follow suit. XD)


1. Sister Calyx of Isis

2. Sister Lady Isolda

3. Sister Ailith

4. Sister LunarGoddess

5. Sister Amoran

6. Sister SageWoman

7. Sister Peace

8. Sister Nelya Setesh

9. Sister Kittiness

10. Sister Kalaminira Kol

11. Sister Siala Lone Wolf

12. Sister Dark Mystic

13. Sister Falen Angel

14. Sister Aia, Priestess of Mana

15. Sister Keida

16. Sister StrongWilled Legna

17. Sister Lunar Priestess

18. Sister Mainnelle D Ashke

19. Sister Arianna de Montreve

20. Sister Esmerelda

21. Sister SunPriestess

22. Sister Lady Renata

23. Sister Merewen

24. Sister LilMsPiggy

25. Sister Rubyribeena

26. Sister Lady Amethyst 

27. Sister Jazira

28. Sister Dark Trial

29. Sister Kriskah Arcanu

30. Sister Mya Celestia

31. Sister Adiallinda

32. Sister XinHun

33. Sister Dream Elf

34. Sister Keida

35. Sister Black Rose

36. Sister Makichama

37. Sister Phantom Orchid

38. Sister Grid Althea

39. Sister Lady Tygara

40. Sister Handy Pockets

41. Sister sasha lilias

42. Sister Sharazhad

43. Sister Lady Esmeralda


Page 330 - The Inner Sun - Noo.
The shadows swirl before No One. Their twisted shapes taking form, they manifest into something he recognizes: a small puppy. He begins to calm, reaching out to play with the puppy. The dog looks at No One strangely, but then wags its tail and barks happily. This is the first times No One finds solace in anything since entering this place. He is content to let it happen and hopes it lasts. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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