The Lands of the East. (using fallen leaves/grass in the begining of the Lands of the East and water to write with).Also take note that I am not calling all places by there name for example later on I call one place the Archway but it is actually called the Borderview Tower in the coordinates.
The first thing I noticed of the Lands is that All movement forward is very taxing for all Knights to march upon. It takes 81 AP to move forward in the Lands but only 1 AP to move back out in the begining. (For most of the Lands, Some areas only cost 1 AP to move through).
Scene 1: A long meadow with a dirt pathway leading to the next Scene. It has the MD engraveing and you can see a lot of buildings in the far distance. It is hard to move through these lands with its cost of 81 AP to move forward and 25 AP to pass the gates at the entrance to the lands.
Scene 2: Their are only 2 directions to go. back towards scene 1 or to the right to scene 3. For some reason there is a forward path but it is too dark to traverse that way. I can see a building on a hill in the distance and a shadow of a person near the pathway.
Scene 3: Before going East notices the arrow pointing east says, Darkness is too dark in there, go East. At arriving at the scene he notices the last 2 Scenes all had the same little M over a D engraved some where in the scene. This scene consists of a hill that has stairs climbing up the small incline to the next scene. The sign has an eerie message on it. Is it up or is it down?.. step in.
Scene 4: This scene is a stair well that leads up or down... down is to go back to scene 3 up is to scene 5. The stair well also has the MD engraveing in it. Not more can be told about this boring yet intruging blandness to every other signs warnings. Stairs look to be made out of wood.
Scene 5: This scene is that of a tiled area with a metal fence in front of you. The stairway is to the left and u can see pillars and a way to move to the right. MD is still engraved in this scene too. A building and what looks like a tower are seen in the distance behind the fence. a bush looks to be not that far behind the fence either. To go back u must click on the stairs to descend them to the previous scene.
Scene 6: It is the front of a temple or some other kind of building.The MD engraving is in this scene as well and both small Pillars with a ball at the top are clickable. Both Pillars show the reading Nothing important at this moment when clicked on and the double doors are the next path to the 7th scene. The double doors is the first Sign of Different AP needed to Move through the Lands of the East. They take 100 AP to cross them.
Scene 7: This is the inside of a building that has 5 different areas to move to 2 different pillar sections on the floor u can move to. 2 on the right, and 1 in front of you to what looks like a Throne. The MD engraving is also in this scene. Each movement to any of 4 areas only takes 1 AP, the 5th area takes more. Each pillar area has 3 pillars in them (except a certain area doesn't have 3 but ). Each pillar lights up when the cursor is moved over it but unable to click them. The Throne has one center peice that glows but also does nothing when clicked upon.
Scene (8,9,10,11,12): (scenes 8-11 are the Pillars that dont move you and the throne) Scene 12 (2nd pillar area on the right towards the back) Is one of the 4 pillar areas mentioned in scene 7 but this one has a missing part of the wall and lets u delve deeper into these lands. There are still 3 pillars that light up but cant click. As you look the MD engraveing is still in this scene also and the movement to the next scene is also 81 AP.
Scene 13: You are in an alleyway that leads forward and to the left. It costs 81 AP to move that way. The MD engraveing is in this scene as well. THere is a stone wall in front of you and the hall with the Throne is to the right and a building is to your left. The alleyway is between the Throne hallway and the building and the turn is between the Wall and the building.
Scene 14: This scene has its own name. The Jester Streets it is called. This street has 2 options. to go forward under a building to building bridge. and to go back to the alleyway. there is a door way that is clickable the buildings on the left (door lights up) (does nothing though).
Scene 15: This scene is the front of a building with a door that lights up. you can either travel up the stairs or to the left. (believes at this the stairs led back but has not tried yet). The MD engraving is here. Can travel through the door to another scene for 1 ap. (street arrow is scene 19). Have tested and proved Stairs led back to scene 14.
Scene 16: (Door entrance) you are standing inside a building, there are stairs to the left, unable to click, and an arrow pointing forward and back. *tries moving forward* found out the chair on the left lights up but is not a clickable. There is black and white tile flooring too.
Scene 17: (Kitchen area). This scene you are in a kitchen. Many things light up but only the papers are clickable, Needs a word to activate (dont know it at this time). There are 2 arrows, one back into the other scene and one out of the building. *leaveing building* (will circle back through building and leaving some scenes open for the street path instead of building).
Scene 18: You are outside by a water well with a drain. the well lights up but is not clickable. Their is only one way to go and that is back through the building.
Scene 19:This scene is another crosswalk between a building in front of you. A drain in the middle of the street (lights up but non clickable). A doorway, and Stairs to the right (believe stairs lead backwards). There is a flowerpot above the door that is clickable. The MD engraveing is still in everything I have seen at this moment.
Scene 20:: The doorway leads to a pub/inn in the Land of the East called TPBOBTITTAIAAP (The Place Born Of Boredom That\'s In The Tribunal And Is Also A Pub). Many things light up in this room from chairs and benches to the bottles and the giant scroll on the wall. Unfortunately I was unable to find anything that is a clickable.
Scene 21: This scene is an alleyway that leads to very long stair that looks like it leads into the forest above. There is only 2 ways to go back or up the Stairs. There are 2 doors that light up but are not clickable, and the MD engraveing is still present in all scenes.
Scene 22: The stairs lead to a platform with small stairs in front and a pathway to the left of right. Near the stairs is a forest/garden of planted trees on both sides. The MD engraveing is also in this scene.
Scene 23/24: These scenes are to the right of the center stair case. Scene 23 is the outside of a building like a shed or small temple. Scene 24 is the inside of this building. The inside looks like an empty crypt. Both have the MD engraveing in the scenes and the scene 24 has an item that lights up but is a non clickable statue on the left hand side.
Scene 25 is to the left. It is a platform with a small fence around its edges. In the middle stands a statue of a knight's head with a helmet on. It is a clickable item that unlocks somethings most people do not know about. I will not spoil it for you. The MD engraveing is in this scene and This scene, 23, and 24 only take 1 AP to move across.
Scene 26: This scene looks just like 22 except there are 4 ways to go and the stairs are on the left and going down instead. Still I see the MD engraveing. *tries all the pathways he can* 2 arrows do not work... the one to the bottom of the screen and the one in the far distant right top of the screen.
Scene 27: This scene is a pathway with 2 trees, one on each side, (they sort of make a archway). In front of you in the distance is a building like a distant Shrine to someone or something.
Scene 28: This is a 4 way path with only three arrows. The one on the left leads to the previous scene the one to the Right leads to the building (arrow say's To the Temple 100AP). and one facing the bottom of the page. Everything towards scene 29's direction so far costs only 1 AP to move through it.
Scene 29: This is further down the pathway (the bottom of page arrow) of the last scene. You can see the Tempel in the distance and there is a stairway to the left.
Scene 30: (Temple Scene). This scene you are right in front of the double door entrance to the Temple. It costs 100 AP. to open the doors. The MD engraveing is in all the scenes still.
Scene 31: Inside the temple there is two columns of 4 pillars from floor to roof. It is empty except for the MD engraveing and the pillars that lead to a far wall. Nothing is clickable and there is only one direction to go, back out the doors.
Scene 32: The stairs in scene 29 are very long and travel from top to bottom of this scene. They are a curving stairs leading to an old looking town. There is two option, go up the stairs (the stairs grow near the top and bottom) or down the stairs into the city. These stairs cut through a bunch of trees like a forest of some kind.
Scene 33: The begining of the Town. You can see the stairs to your front/right near the forest it cuts through. there is a Circle of stone pathway around a small grassy area, and a building you can enter. There is 2 arrows to follow on the Circle pathway.
Scene 34/35: (inside building). This scene you are in a building. You can see a 2 doorways and one has stairs in the back (unable to click or move that way) and one leads to the right towards a kitchen like area. In the Kitchen area there is a lot of clickables, the Far wall and the Cupboards (not all the cupboards but most of them). There is no were else to go in the building but out through scene 34's arrow at the bottom of the screen.
Scene 36: (the left arrow from Scene 33). This scene is the outside of an alleyway with a doorway to the left and stairs in Front. The Doorway/Archway lights up and you can enter another building, the Stairways leads to another building in a circle
Sceme 37: (inside the Archway). This scene is the inside of the Doorway/Archway in the last scene. It is an Empty scene with a doorway leading out and an arrow leading to another room.
Scene 38: the Room is very unique it consists of a wooden desk with a fancy chair behind it. On the desk is a Globe and a book and both of them light up. The front of the wooden desk as a interesting that glows and so does the Chair. Only the Globe and the front of the wooden desk are clickable objects. There is only one Arrow in the room and it leads back out of the room to the previous scene.
Scene 39: This scene is outside yet another building with a fountain in the middle of a stone square (like town center square not actual shape square). The fountain water and the doorway lights up and you can enter the building throught the doorway. (Inside the building scene 39.5:) Inside the building there is 3 objects that light up but only 2 or clickables. The Chair, the Coffee cup and the Papers all light up, and the Coffee cup and Papers are clickables. Only one arrow in the building leading back out of the building.
Scene 40: This scene is the arrow to the right on scene 33. You are in an alleyway facing the circle square, with grass in the middle of it. You can see the Alley across the square that has the doorway/archway in scene 37. Nothing is clickable and onl.y 2 arrows on this scene. One back to scene 33 and one to move on deeper into the Lands of the East.
Scene 41: this scene is a deeper part of the Alleyway but you are facing the other direction. You are looking at a set of stairs leading up to a balcony/walkway up above that has what looks like a circular fire pit on a pedestal for lighting during the night. 2 things light up and they are the circluar objects on each side of the stairs, but neither of them are clickables. The stairs lead deeper and the arrow leads back to Scene 40.
Scene 42: This scene I am going to call the Bridge Archway. You are facing towards a stone Bridge/Archway connecting 2 buildings. You have the Fire pit Clickable to the right and An arrow leading to the Archway and the stairs to go back. Meet Ryan Delphus on this roadway/walkway.... he was sleeping though.
Scene 43: This scene you are on a corner/4 way part of cobblestone streets. You have 4 arrows the far left goes back, a left/up one.leads under an archway entrance to something.... still unsure what. One that leads to the far right and one to the right/up. Many drains have lighted up during scenes above but thought they were nothing to I found out the drain in this scene is a clickable.
Scene 43.1: (I am changeing how I do the arrows. .1 is the Up/left .2 is Up/right, and .3 is far right). This scene is a walkway to another building (no surprise) that has a tree next to the door. The tree is in full blossom and is very pretty.
Scene 43.11: This scene is the inside of the building and it has stairs to the left, a desk and a chair in the room you are in. The front of the desk and chair light up but neither are clickable. (Feels like I have seen the pattern on the front of another desk before.)
Scene 43.2: This scene is the outside of another building in town ... It has a drain on the outside and you can enter the building. the drain is not clickable in this scene and there is only one arrow to follow.
Scene 43.21: this scene is the inside of the building. It has papers stuck to a side of the wall non clickable. A bell on a bar/Reception area, And three small round mounds next to the bell, Looks like the gambling game were you put something under shells and confuse the other person for money. All are clickable except the Papers and the Chair that doesnt light up.
Scene 43.3/44: (going to return to old way after this scene because it leads much deeper than just 2 scenes). This scene you are outside a building with a door (really getting bland now). It has a plant and drain that light up and you cant enter the building. (thats new!). it has 2 arrows one leading left and one leading back.
Scene 45: This scene is looking to the left and seeing the corner of the building next to a fence Line it has no lighting up areas/ clickables. 2 Arrows are on this scene on to the right and one back.
Scene 46: This scene is along the building and the fence line that has 3 arrows, one leading back, one around the next corner to the building and one left to a small garden area.
Scene 47: this is going to be alot of scenes smashed toghether because it is the garden area and it is one giant circle. *replenishes his grass and leaves for more writing at the begining of the circle and replenishes water at the fountain in the middle of the garden*. Okay the begining you are looking at a circular walkway that leads left or right... we are going to the right and going to work are way around. You can see many trees and grasses in front of you before you turn left, Scene 48: To the left is the walkway to the middle of the garden. You can see the water fountain in the middle of the next scene already and you can only move forward or back. Scene 49: (forward). this scene is the center of the circle/roundabout garden. It has a fountain in the middle of it that is clickable (water part)and 2 arrows right or left, Left leads you back and right is to the next scene. Scene 50: This scene has 2 arrows one down *back* and to the right. It has a Ball on top of a pillar like thing and is clickable. next scene is to the right. Scene 51: The same as Scene 47 ... it is the begining of the roundabout/ garden area.
Scene 52: (around the corner of scene 46). This is yet another scene with a corner to go around. it has the fence to the left and a corner to go around the back and to the right. Nothing clickable or highlights. Corner leads under an archway.
Scene 53: This scene has 2 Highlighted objects. the flowerish vine to the top and right of the scene and the doorway to the left. Only the plant is clickable. the corner to the left behind the door leads back the way you came and there is an arrow at the bottom of the scene. Just noticed before leaveing that there is no MD engraveing in this scene. Maybe some a little earlier than this one started loseing the Engraveing but unsure.
Scene 54: This scene is another corner of a building. It has a window that illuminates but is not clickable. This scene has the MD engraveing so it is possible the last scene is the only one missing the Engraveing. Nothing interesting catches the eye as I walk around the corner.
Scene 55: This scene is very unique. It is the first scene in a while to have more than 2 directions to travel it has a Stairway in front of me, The way back around the corner and to travel inbetween some buildings to the right.
Scene 56: (inbetween buildings) This leads to the entrance of a giant Mansion like building. It can be entered by thr front door. It has two Highlighted items. The pipe along the side of the building and the bottom right window but neither are clickable. Once inside the building you can either go right to a room or straight to a different room. The right doorway is unable to traverse through. The right side room consists of a living room like area. It has a window a couch and a dresser. The couch is clickable, and so is the drawstring to the curtains.
Scene 57: Piano room of the Mansion. This scene is the room with a clickable piano. I meet Duxie, and Esmaralda here. Unfortunately this is the last room in the Mansion. (forward) and there is only 1 thing to do in this scene and that is click the piano.
Scene 58: This scene is the stairs behind the mansion. It has only 2 ways to go up or down and there is not much else on this scene. Unfortunately wish there was more to see of this area.
Scene 59: In front of some kind of beach house at the top of the stairs. It is very unique looking like someone built it. There is nothing more then the stairs to go down and to go into the house.
Scene 60: I believe this is the final scene of the the Lands of the East. It is a vacation home fore the Elite Knator Commander. Many things are highlighted but only three are clickables. the bed is one, and the other 2 are drawers near the bottom right corner of the scene. This scenes has a name. It is called Knaty's Vacation House.