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Player ID: 94126
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 389
Energetic immunity : 562
Trade sense : 232
Briskness : 304
Initiative : 162
Defence : 773
Attack : 1578
Luck : 76
Power : 221
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Principle of Light = 2434
Element Principle = 837
Time Principle = 2003
Principle of Cyclicity = 1381
Principle of Imagination = 1444
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 2185 | Lost: 3567
Honor: 5000
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
H i s t o r y



Left alone in the Loreroot forest by my parents when i was aged of two days, i can't remember how i survived, in my deepest memories i was living like an animal untill the day i met Firsanthalas who learned me basic things of the human life, especially how to fight in this world, as his new adept i decided to serve him according to the code of chivalry. I should be brave and fearless in battle but would also exhibit cultured qualities showing myself to be devout, loyal, courteous and generous, even though i am not always couteous, huh maybe because of my origins ? i don't know its anyways. TO BE CONTINUED

I m looking for adepts, i will share my knowledge with you if you become and help you out for the troubles you entounter.

Some of my creatures
Chaos Archer BloodPact Chaos Archer Water Daimon III Majestic Winderwild Rustgold Madhorn Elemental V Master of Puppets Pimped Grasan Unholy Pope Imperial Aramor Assassin Angien Santa III

Wanted List

No anger no hate.

I m looking for adepts, i will share my knowledge with you if you become and help you out for the troubles you encounter.



Wisdom Khalazdad's test successfully done.

Page 456 - The Traveler
"But your Highness, the shades said that.... " with a thunder voice Marvolo shouts at his soldier "***** ***". Unseen, the traveler comes closer to hear better..."But Khalazdad also said.." "And I said open them!" With a humble voice "As you wish Master, but at least we should check each one that comes in for weapons and potions, you know, or the shades will.." Marvolo turns away and leaves "Arhh damn them too! There is no Necrovion without someone in it." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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