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two sides
Jack Begemot




Player ID: 154584
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Regeneration : 92
Luck : 33
Energetic immunity : 81
Trade sense : 61
Briskness : 113
Initiative : 90
Defence : 521
Attack : 483
Power : 124
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Time Principle = 2435
Principle of Cyclicity = 2959
Darkness Principle = 1187
Transposition Principle = 3192
Principle of Light = 2136
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 1363 | Lost: 1687
Honor: 4859
MindPower: 5
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ladytwin's origine

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I was born from a demon and a light witch, so don't make me angry.
I have fire and light in me and I protect the small ones.
my life song
i want it all and i want it now

My story

I was born in a town called Jadelight, which was built from the jewel, jade. It was the home of the light witches. They lived there in peace and harmony with all creatures of nature. Life was good for all who lived there, witch or human but it didn't stay that way for long. The demons from Hell came and destroyed everyone but one woman, my mother. She didn't die but escaped to the sanctuary of the Golden Heart. That is the place where all light witches get their powers at a certain age and only if they are worthy of them.

It is at Golden Heart where my story starts.
I was born in the sanctuary of the Golden Heart, a child of a demon and a light witch.
I got my powers at birth but still I don't know all my powers yet.
From my mother I got the power to heal nature and men.
And she gave me her skill for talking with the animals. I have also control of fire.
I can make it, steer it and extinguish it. I think I got this power from my father.
Also my hair is a sentient part of me. It is red like fire and has a mind of its own, it never stays down in a nice manner as it is wild and loose all the time.
When my mother went to the light, I was old enough to go out in to the world to find the demon who had raped her. But the Golden Heart wouldn't let me leave before we had a talk about how love is the most powerful force in the world. So the Golden Heart gave me my weapon. It is made out of living gold and entwined with me.
It will never work for someone else, my blood is in it and his gold is in me.
It is my friend and travel compainon, most of the time it looks like a whip, but if I need a different weapon it changes at my will into a sword or a knife, or any other weapon I chooce.
This how I look when walking here.

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My life here and the things I encounter

I got thinking of giving my hair a name. It will be easier to call it if I am to train it, but what shall I call it?
I made it a quest and Peace won. My hair is called Fury now.

I have found a place to live. It feels good .So, this my home for now. It has been too long to be without a home.
And we all need a place where we can by ourselves, without attacks from creatures or other kinds of attacks.

this is duko

my sister is Mada  and Keida and my brother is NFH so be nice to them please ore I will go mad *smiles* you dont like me when I am mad *grins*

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Some of my creatures
Water Daimon III Michael uriel Jester Pimped Grasan burnsy Madhorn Imperial Aramor Assassin Knator War Master Chaos Archer Hollow Warrior

ladytwin's wish list

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Me dressed as a princess from Hell when i am down there that is


solved the berserker's puzzle
beat the guards at Willow shop
beat the slime thing at marble road
solved the riddle from Gremlin and won a Agien Egg
Enterd Golemus Golemicarum

enterd Loreroot
done the Livingston Quest from Z and got my spell page


 Things i wish for *smiles big*

a name change in to Tara
a tag under my name with my title Demonprincess
my own avatar I have made to be seen in my other paper
a flag whit 666 instead of a country flag for me and the ones who join me *winks*
some wp
magic power ;)
a real home in Tara Town with balcony at the walls some stone brigdes and lot lots of rooms/ caves for others.
My cave must have 3 rooms 1 bathroom 1 livingroom 1sleepingroom :D
a drachorn ore two
high ve and vp
and lots lots of friends :D *winks*

Things I have in my inventory:

some silver coins
one gold coin
a pair of worn down red high heels
a green emerald the same colour as my eyes

Things I have but not in my inventory:

My Friend (read my paper)
a brush given to me by Kittyness to help tame my hair
a pendant given by Rendrill
new shoes paid by my boyfriend ect *smiles*  with burns his card with he stole, they are black now
nice lingerie black with white diamonds also paid with burns his card *winks*
the credit card from Burns given by him self
Adam Icepheonix gave her a basket of strawberries, pot of melted chocolate, and a box of Godiva chocolate.
a everhot coffee mug given by Sagewoman
a 9 inch diamond given by a nice creature who love to eat all things *winks*
silverhand granitus gives tara a clasp to put on her prettiest dress, a sparkling golden spiral, set with multi coloured stones
 friends *smiles*
a stereo and a geto blaster for more noice *giggles*
a elvish dictonairy
a tiara whit the essance of blance and fire given by aranna

a quest

something i care about

You can donate to Save the Children's Haiti Earthquake Emergency Appeal. (juse google to find the page the link did not work :( ) Donations can also be made at NAB branches or by phoning 1800 76 00 11.

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Page 495 - Seeds Of The East
"You mean i risked my entire Libs army for some ..SEEDS?". Akasha turns dark spreading her wings more and speaks with a thunderous voice "Do you question the mission? Maybe you want to return?" Lib, backing off a bit says,"Oh, come on, stop doing that, you are pretty scary when you do that. Ok ok, whatever you say, seeds shall be then" at that moment HandyPockets falls on the ground almost breaking her neck at the impact. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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