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Player ID: 160738
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Regeneration : 3
Energetic immunity : 3
Trade sense : 5
Briskness : 4
Initiative : 0
Defence : 5
Attack : 11
Power : 2
Luck : 0
Darkness Principle = 19
Element Principle = 17
Principle of Light = 21
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Battle stats
Won: 77 | Lost: 70
Honor: 1918
MindPower: 3
You are not yet a member of any alliance

hello my name is laugher laugh and i love to laugh.


The story of me and my laughs:)

well  laugh alot. sometimes i laugh too much. alot of ppl think that mer laughing brings them joy and makes them happy. Well anyway lets cut to the chase. My parents were jokers and they laughed and joked everyone, They made some ppl so mad from them laughing that they wanted to kill my whole family. Well thats where i came in. My parents had jokes that where old and nobody liek them so when i was born i new new jokes and what do you know i was a talking baby. And everyone started to calm down and they liek us. Then when my jokes got old they kicked me out. And i wandered this world looking for a new place everyone liek and everyone liekd me. And then i came across this wonderful place called MD which i currently live in. And here in MD everyone lieks me. Theres just one thing that i dont wish to do and that is have crits. I wish to tell jokes an make ppl happy...well there you have it folks:)


Some of my creatures

i do not hate why should i hate theres no reason to hate...if i wanted someone to hate it would be me because i hate all the regretfu lstuff i did

Page 166 - The Shade Ballance - Kh. Sh.
The Shade Sentinel arrives at the Gate furious that Khalazdad has taken so long to transform. "I see, at last, the Darkness is rife within you, we began to fear your loyalty." "The price of power is heavy" replies Khalazdad "but I will bear it.when will I take the next step.?" "Have patience human, you would not even survive the next transformation yet.you are to feeble. Now, go about your business." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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