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Player ID: 211341
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Regeneration : 4
Energetic immunity : 4
Trade sense : 1
Briskness : 8
Initiative : 1
Defence : 3
Attack : 8
Power : 1
Luck : 0
Darkness Principle = 64
Time Principle = 5
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Battle stats
Won: 39 | Lost: 34
Honor: 750
MindPower: 3
You are not yet a member of any alliance
This item seems to be some sort of mechanical device. It looks very interesting. You should first find some more information about it, otherwise you risk breaking it or something else could go wrong. Try asking the people around to see if they know anything about it

Notes on altering vision and perception

Hallucinations are different from illusions. In an illusory experience, a genuine sensation is attributed to an incorrect cause and given some additional (and typically bizarre) significance. A hallucination is a perception in absence of a stimulus.

Only by using the right ingredients can you create a concoction to induce Hallucinations that may reveal unreal things but associated with a deeper meaning. It is said that for those who cannot perceive the true nature of things, these hallucinations may let them reveal things that are not normally visible and may even help them to interact with them.

The alternate reality revealed by the hallucinations created with this concoction is not to be ignored, as one may die or suffer unrecoverable changes whilst interacting with things from their visions.

One of the ingredients to such a concoction is the herb called Nightshade, a deadly plant found on the shaded quiet cliffs reachable from the underground caverns of Marind Bell, and of course pure fountain water. You might also find a useful device in Jack Willows Shop.

Some of my creatures

Page 471 - The Traveler
The sphere stops above a hole in the ground somewhere east of The Deathmarrow. A thin bridge connects the cliff to the colossal Necrovion Capitol. Its surface now looks more shiny than before, a hyptonizing white shine, white as silence. Time has no meaning in these lands, but humans still feel it. Some fanatics already died of starvation while staring at the floating sphere, their minds are currently thinking intensly about ..nothing. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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