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Lisana's Personal Page
Bits and pieces of memory flit through my mind, mostly when I dreams. Memories of training in both war and magic... The death of my parents at the hands of a powerful Sorceress... Hiding, more training, fighting for my life and those of others... Meeting the Sorceress and fighting her... then darkness for what seems like ages...
Then the darkness, fear, the smell of wood... The incessant questions running through my mind, with no answers... Finally the light, the strange room, and the little girl, Marind... Finding out that I had been in a box, agreeing to try to help find Marind\'s killer...
Then the overwhelming sounds and colors of the carnival, and that crazy clown... Then Marind again, and the whispers... the Carnaval awakes...
(to be continued)
Lisana is tiny, even by the standards of her kin. She is short, slender, but built with the musculature of a cat. Her skin is bronzed from many hours in the sun. Her red hair shows the hint of the fire that burns inside of her. Her steel grey eyes are very expressive, and often belie her sometimes expressionless face.
She avoids talking to people at first, simply watching and learning, to see who are those she can trust, and who are not worthy of it. She has learned in time to follow where her intuition leads... and to understand that the darkest night may hide the brightest light.
She has a chest of books which she keeps locked and has in a safe place. She usually carries at least one of them with her. She also has a small box which she keeps in this chest. Inside the box are several small items including her necklace (which holds five orbs dangling from short chains) she very seldom is seen wearing this necklace.
My Log... (warning this log is really in no particular order... as I learn new things, I will write them down, but this may be a bit scattered... so things may end up slightly out of order)
*Have met many helpful, interesting, and sometimes just plain odd people...
*Have started to gain back control of some of my abilities... shifting, while still hard, is actually doable, although it requires a lot of energy, and it hurts if I go into it or out of it too quickly; still having trouble with partial shifts... still cannot use my stones...
*If he could hold a thought for more than a few seconds... Pip might actually be dangerous... then again... it could simply be an act... must keep my eye on this one...
*working on a few quests... one in particular has me stumped...
*still need to strengthen a couple of critters before I can make another attempt at getting into Loreroot... although with the setup I have right now... it shouldn't be too hard...
*have been reading my mothers journals... this has helped immensely in my training for many of my skills...
*have started playing with the stones and spellbooks... still have not figured out how to get them to work properly... although I have figured that the stones are used for the spells...
*I wish I knew the significance of the staff I have... there is writing of some kind on it... but I can't seem to make it out exactly... I don't think I know the language... although I could just not remember it, as with so many other things from my past... I had thought that the indents on it might have something to do with my stones but they aren't big enough to hold the stones... so much for that idea...
*I have noticed similar indents and writing on my swords, my bow, and the handle of my whip to those I found on the staff... I just wish I could figure this all out...
*I think very soon I will start reading my father's logs... perhaps there will be something there to explain the writing and indents on my weapons...
*I almost forgot... the orbs on my necklace contain markings similar to those on my weapons... perhaps I am missing whatever goes into the five indents... and that would make the inscriptions readable... ah well... must do more research I guess...
* I have noticed that each time my creatures win a battle... I become more powerful as well... with each of the battles I have won... shifting has become easier... I am hoping that with enough battles... I will be back to my normal self...
*my father's logs, while not as prosy as my mother's journals, are hard to decipher for his handwriting... it's atrocious... gads... I'm just glad my mother was the one to teach me to write...
*I have noticed another difference in the two... my mother seemed to concentrate more on the magical aspects of things... my father more on the weaponry...
*Through my father's logs I have learned something my mother never wrote of... she and my father were in a mercenary guild... and apparently they planned on training their children for it... I haven't gotten far enough to know whether or not that was what my training was... I do know however, that this guild dealt in both magic and weaponry to almost equal degrees... each individual knew how to wield both... although individuals had varying degrees of each...
*I still have learned nothing more of the markings on my weapons and necklace... although I know now that they do have something to do with the magic of the stones... I just wish my father's writing could be read more clearly...
*I have noticed that the format of my logs resembles my father's... very haphazard... I think sometime soon I may need to take the time to organize my notes into something a bit more readable...
*I have been thinking of the creatures I can shift into... and why I can shift into them... They are the forms my guardians take... I am wondering though that if the connection to my guardians is what gives me this ability... then is it possible that the connection I have with my creatures may allow me to shift into such forms... I will have to study this further... perhaps in some of my master's books there will be an answer...
*I was sharing my notes with a trusted friend and he pointed out to me how... incomplete they are... he was trying to help me figure out what a possible solution could be to my problem with the markings on my weapons, more precisely the indents... not having seen the necklace... he suggested that perhaps the orbs on it might fit into the indents on the weapons... however... the orbs on the necklace are larger than the indents on the weapons... in fact... they contain similarly sized and shaped indents... also... the stones while larger than the indents... are of the same shape... the confusion he had though has made me realize that perhaps I should work on measuring and notations on my weapons and necklace...
*In reading my father's notes I have come across something I think is important... apparently the writing on some of the things I own is an ancient script... my father's journals mention that in order to use the magic of these items one must be able to translate the script... it is some sort of test to find out if one is worthy to weild the magic in them... I guess I will be on my own for that much... although I will continue reading for any possible clues to aid me...
*Also a quote from my father's commander in the guild... "we are strong of body, clear of mind, and sharp of sight and hearing. We do not fill our minds with anxieties, and are flexible in adjusting to external conditions. This is the way of the warrior, this is also the way of the magi. We are both, so it is doubly important for us to follow this one small code."
*I almost forgot... before I put my writing away for the night... I must add... I have found samples of the same script as the writings on certain of my items... I found this script while scanning through one of my master's notebooks... it is fuller having more words, and likely more information than what is found on the items... I think in translating these and then transcribing from there I will finally solve the mystery of the purpose of these items...
*I have neglected a few things in my journals... one of which was that several weeks ago I was accepted into Captain Cryxus' crew... I am now a pirate (semi-unofficially), although we still must wait on a few things before we may venture out on the Crimson Blade... I am both excited and impatient for this event...
*I have been wondering lately about how I came to be here... I know what happened... but some things just do not make any sense... having my weapons, and the necklace, I can understand... as well as having the spell books and the stones... but... the other books... a chest full of them... among other items... I know I would not have had them if I was going into battle... my pets would have been with me... but they did not get transported here... unless they are elsewhere in this realm... they should have come... not this BOX full of things that would have only had sentimental value to me... I truly do miss my pets... these creatures that have bonded with me are not the same... they give their loyalty... but I sense no affection from them... also... I wonder that my guardians were unable to find me... especially by now... I can still feel them... and some of my dreams seem as though they are influenced by them...
*I guess now is the right time to get this dream out in the open... I have it almost nightly... In it I am battling the sorceress... and as her spell hits me... and I start to fall into the darkness... I hear the voices of many telling me to remember... what it is I do not know... but the voices... they are strange... they belong to my parents and my master, who are all dead, and to my guardians... who were once dead... I just wish I could remember whatever it is they are telling me to remember... it is quite disturbing...
*last night the dream changed... it stayed the same... until the very moment the sorceress attacks... at that point it seemed my guardians and the others... killed both of us... and then again... them telling me to remember... I woke in a cold sweat... and crying at the betrayal... I just hope this is not the reality of what happened...
*I have noticed a strange hunger lately... one that does not seem to abate for very long... usually only at most an hour after even the largest meals... I wonder if this was the condition my father spoke of in his logs...
*I noticed something the other day in my father's logs... as I was trying to muddle through one of the pages my attention wavered... and wandered to the side of the page... I noticed something there that I hadn't noticed before... I was so busy trying to fight my way through his logs to get any information that I had not really noticed it before... well... I had... but I thought it was just scribbles, doodles or something... it is actually more of these inscriptions I keep seeing... I think I will check my mother's journals as well as my own to see if there are any more in those...
*I found more... in both my own journals and my mother's... in fact, my own holds more than my father's, and my mothers even more than my own... I suspect they may be notes on spells, but I am unsure...
*I have found a clue written on a small piece of paper... it is about a problem I have been trying to tackle..."Their strength is their weakness. Simple things may be more efficient than complicated ones." I must check into this more...
*I cannot wait until the next heads contest... I will be participating then... plus it will give me some time to do other interesting things...
*In helping another get to the archives.. I noticed that what is often called the library is named the indexed room of memories... perhaps I should look through some of these books and scrolls...
*I tried something... with my staff... an experiment of sorts... there was something I needed to do with it... and the experiment worked... I will have to decipher the script and find out more... but I know understand how to work the magic to a certain degree...