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TerrorBlade darwin




Player ID: 49911
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Regeneration : 37
Energetic immunity : 46
Trade sense : 21
Briskness : 43
Initiative : 22
Defence : 64
Attack : 109
Power : 22
Luck : 15
Volition : 0
Royal Guard
Darkness Principle = 60
Element Principle = 28
Principle of Balance = 21
Principle of Cyclicity = 32
Principle of Syntropy = 6
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Battle stats
Won: 223 | Lost: 348
Honor: -130
MindPower: 5
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The Scarecrow

 The Scarecrow

 The story behind the being that I am in truth, no more mysteries no more false identities.

The Scarecrow is me, I am the Scarecrow a being of magic and wonders. I was reanimated to live and breathe but I didn't get any memories to live with, I have a clean sheet to start writing my lives story on it.
Will I be successful in my quest to create memories that are worth thinking of and told.
Will I be able to get past my state as a reanimated "thing" thats only purpose was to scare away birds and other critters?
Will I be able to find a way to get what I am looking for?
But what I am looking for?
I'm not sure.....
I think normal human beings call this Feelings, sentiments....something like that.
I think that is what I miss, what I don't have, what I need.....
Yes I am quite sure now, thats that emptiness inside, that blackness I can only sense, but cannot feel, my eyes, that are made out of buttons actually have no glow in them (Note to self: get a pair of normal eyes)

I know it will be a long way to walk, and it will hard and harsh.
But I have to do it, I CAN do it.


That's my other question to the world, how and when did my reanimation happen, oh and by WHO?
I don't remember, I only know that when I, lets say "woke up" I found myself laying next to a small wooden house.
I got up looked around, yes strange as it might seem to others I can see don't know how don't know why but I can see shapes and colours I can see everything or at least I think everything normal humanoids can see.
 (Still some normal eyes would be nice)

But back to the real problem. I have to find who done this to me. At least I would like to thank him. I think this is a great gift given to me.

More will come as I discover my future and rediscover my past....get my missing parts and I become a humanoid Scarecrow. 

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Oh and if you are wondering who is that bird in my hand, well his my only friend and companion Rokaniel strange as it might seem but he wasn't afraid of me and joined me on my journey.

Chapter I
 It started as a normal day, started yeah I'm talking nonsense again, days don't start for me, thanx to the fact that I don't sleep.
 So it was a day like all the others since my animation. I was standing in the Defensive Quarters, thinking, trying to get something out of the world, to understand its mechanics, its ticks, the things that make it work. I sometimes realize that when I start thinking about the mechanics of the world, I do a thing that is utterly stupid in my situation. I don't even know how I work, and I'm already trying to understand the mechanics of a far more complex thing than I am......As I was standing in the doorway, a picture appeared in front of me, didn't quite understand how that happened, it was a flash it only lasted a split second, it was like a memory, but something caught my attention. I saw a small wooden cottage in the corner of the picture, it was just like I have seen it sometime ago, it was in the corner of my view sometime long ago.

 I managed to realize the meaning of this so called flash from my past, something inside me is trying to show me where I "lived" before I got animated. But how is this possible? How can I have memories from that time? How can I have memories at all?

 No matter, these are questions that have to be solved later, now the thing I should focus on, is to find that house, to find that picture, that place I have seen.

Chapter 2

Well I didn't find the house from my vision but I found myself a new furry companion. He is a lil rat, his name is Ratsar.
Actually he found me, one day when I was sitting under a big tree and was thinking about my visions and my past, I
noticed a strange movement under my shirt, when I reached in and into my hay body I soon found the source of the
strange phenomenon. It was Ratsar, he found shelter inside me, and thought could sleep there. Well I took him in, 
and we are traveling together since then.

Chapter 3

Thanx to Sagewoman and Windy I found out today that I'm actually a skull wrapped into a sack and this sack is what
attaches me to my scarecrow body.
So this makes me think of a few things.

1. I was killed and after reanimation they put my skull into this sack, and attached my to this scarecrow body
2. I was simply cursed.
3. I just simply died and got reanimated.
4. Or someone is just having fun with a dead guys skull.

Anyway this means that I have to have memories because I was alive sometime, but these were wiped out of my 
head. I must find a way to regain them. Also I have to find the rest of my body, whereever that is. And I also have to find someone who can reanimate dead bodies, maybe by him I could get my human form back, 
though being a scarecrow isn't that bad.

So my new quest is to find my old body.
Find one who can reanimate bodies.
And I need to decide if I want to become a human or stay a half scarecrow 
half human, THING.


Some of my creatures
Water Daimon III Elemental V Walking Tree Knator War Master Chaos Archer Master Lorerootian Archer Hollow Warrior Angien Majestic Winderwild

Hate List
I don't know what hate is.....

Page 312 - The Inner Sun - Bo., Pen.
Bootes and Penelope are quietly studying the ancient documents when without warning Penelope slams her first on the desk in frustration, "We must be missing something! This can't be all of them, can it?" Bootes stands, "I'll check the pub. You try and figure out what you can." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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