Basic Physical Info
True Name: Sergey Mikhail
Age: 18
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 140
New Appearance
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Biography - The Musician/ The Gypsy (short, I will add more as I go)
Bio: Sergey lived a.....less than average life. Before entering the Realm he lived in a very impoverished family. Eventually their large debt became out of hand and they ended up selling their property and living as Gypsies. They never really stayed anywhere, and the lifestyle began to consume them. At this point Sergey was only 8, so he underwent the bell training. Learning to pickpocket people without causeing the bells on tied to his fingertips to ring. He was able to perform this task well, but marked it as one of his more.....undesireable skills. Even though the nomadic people they moved around with shared everything, there was one family possession the Mikhails held onto. A rather old chartophone, a rare lap harp whose sound rang with such sweet tones. Sergey held onto it dearly and self-taught himself simple chords in order to entertain the citizens of whatever city they were moving through. It earned him money so that he wouldn't have to steal to contribute to the Gypsy Camp he was now a part of. This was around age 10, at least when he began to make a living out of it. He even, as a sign of a commitment to his music. made himself a nickname, Mcemosama, and referred to himself as such when performing on the streets. The name caught on and eventually his old name seemed more secondary. Over time he hardly even remembered his family name. His parents were just fellow drifters to him, as everyone was just clustered together in their Camp. At 15 his musical expertise was next to professional, and regretablly so was his theivery. He could pick the pocket of most with little physical contact. He also began to develop his own outlook on philosophy, and began writing his own songs and poetry and not just whimsical chords strung together. His songs had meaning, purpose. He sung about the beauty of nature, the evils of war, and the life of a constant traveler. There isn't much to say after that. The 3 years before Mcemosama's entrance into the Realm were relatively uneventful or completely forgotten. His only issue with being in the that his instrument is no longer on his person.
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General personallity
Personality: Sergey/Mcemosama is relatively upbeat. He treats others well, but tends not say much as he is lost in thought. He gets distracted easily especially outside in the fresh air where nature is the first thing on his mind. Sergey views people as one big group, the concepts of divided territory and society are lost to him. He enjoys peace between others. He doesn't realize it, but he tends to hit on any girl he crosses path's with. Recently however he has began to see the evil of humanity in a new light. Before he believed that he could prevent violence by aiding others, being a good friend and the like, but it appears that darkness runs deep in every man, woman, and child, and that good will isn't enough to purge it from ones inner soul. He is becoming more aware of the world around him, and allows himself to see more than is just in front of him. His values have began to shift as well, and it's corrupting his appearance slowly.
Likes: - Open-minded People
-Sweet food
Dislikes: -War
-Bitter food
Religon: Metaphysical Atheist
Current Friends - Nick (Black Hood)
Knowledge about BlackHood - A strange fellow who rarely appears in this world. He claims to know me, from before I entered this strange world. Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. It could be that he's trying to con me, to take advantage of me for whatever reason, but given that I lost 3 years of my memory before entering here, it's a possibility, but what are the odds?
Personal Quotes
- I know human nature, and 19 out of 20 times lazyness prevails over motivation - Fact!
-People tend to be focused more on furthering their stance in society than helping others pave their way....... me...... well I can't get any lower or higher in this world, I'm comfortable as the man I am now, so why not give people a hand.
- Sir! Sir! I'm not whining I'm complaining, do you WANT to hear whining!?
- The fastest way to make enemies, is to try to make change.....
Fav Quotes from Others
- If you stare to long into the abyss, the abyss with stare back into you.... ~Friedrich Nietzsche
- Anyone who can handle a needle convincingly can make us see a thread that is not there..... ~ E.H Gombrich
Personal Poem
For years this soul has scared itself raw
For internal wisdom and a mind in a war
Personal triumph to personal loss
The selling of morals for the price of their cost
These arts of mine wrecked from personal flames
There's nothing to lose, though nothing to gain
For these stories of mine fall on deaf ears
Personal trauma, hopes ,and fears
A baring of soul is not needed these days
For there's more to this world than personal pain
So burn it away and cast it aside
For we all live short on limited time
Cleanse yourself clean before a personal decease
The weight of our baggage makes us crawl on our knees
So leave this behind for it burdens the soul
Nothing is necessary, that's all one need know
Feel the removal from desire and shame
It's the key to rebirth in a world slightly sane
We are what we are and our being must breathe
So I leave this behind and start something clean
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