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Legault The Clever




Player ID: 60589
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 25
Energetic immunity : 27
Trade sense : 21
Briskness : 23
Initiative : 24
Defence : 57
Attack : 78
Power : 41
Luck : 12
Royal Guard
Sun God Armour
Principle of Imagination = 84
Principle of Light = 111
Principle of Syntropy = 107
Principle of Balance = 91
Darkness Principle = 59
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Battle stats
Won: 106 | Lost: 109
Honor: 645
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Seeker of Knowlege
A confused soul in a strange and foreign land, I am lost in my own thoughts. Birthed from a blackened carnival nightmare into a place where the sun never sets and strange beasts bound to my soul fight the battles I choose, for good or otherwise. In a simpler day I wondered what is my purpose? What am I doing here? But now these questions seem much deeper. Why was I chosen to end up in this land? Who is the strange maiden who asks so plaintively for my help, and what could she possibly see in me? The more I learn the more lost I become. With every fact I gather, I find there is more lurking in the shadows waiting to be discovered. I wander slowly, my beasts tucked close to my pounding breast knowing that each soul I pass my be my new enemy, or an ally still undiscovered. As the heat of battle cools I know that I have found my purpose...TO KNOW. Working within the adept system I will build a school of sorts in Marind Bell. With thanks to my teacher Aqlbeast who\'s knowledge is much greater than mine, I wish to make myself a teacher to those who would be my students. Under the open air and around the areas of Marind Bell we will seek, and I hope find the answers to all we seek. To learn, one must only be willing to ask and listen. I believe fully there is much that my students as well can teach me. To be a Seeker of Enlightenment is not a hollow promise, it is a goal that I can work on forever and grow as I do. I welcome anyone with interesting information of any sort to send a scroll my way that we can examine it together and learn from each other. My particular interest is the history of this land and whatever became of Jack Willow. I also love random gossip, interesting secrets, and new happenings in the land. I know that I am still inexperienced and weak, but my quest has become to help those that I can, and learn from those that may help me. Those who wish to learn may send a scroll at any time, and those who wish to teach, please know that my ears and heart are open. I am seeking adepts to guide in the ways of this strange place. If you would like assistance with basic game play concepts or general explanation I am always happy to help. Those who seek to adept will find that I am quick to answer questions and queries, but will not spoil the game for anyone. Those who do not wish to adept can also message me, I like to help and will do my best to answer your questions. In my pursuit of knowledge I am also a willing adept. I am happy to exchange my tutelage for a more advanced understanding of this game, and lore of the land. Players who wish to have me as an adept should message me with details.
Some of my creatures
Chaos Archer Sgt. Death Elemental IV Elemental V BloodPact Dark Archer Baby Roooofff!

Assuming the Obvious
Keep in mind that things are not always as obvious as they appear. Some assumptions that drive me nuts! Dark=evil light=good winning=victory What am I talking about shades and angiens to begin with. Shades may be dark, but does that make them evil or the enemy? Angiens are light, should I assume they are angelic? Try to look deeper, and remember that as many differences as may be found in the players here may also be found in the races we have or are attempting to make contact with. Light and dark are not always black and white.

Page 35 - Golemus Wizard quest - ST. Mo.
I shall remove you one leg from your body, maybe this will make you think harder on the riddle ..."NOOO PLEASE .Morpheus. , i am thinking , realy hard PLEASE!!...what was it ...oh yes ..."So close but yet so far, ones fear is the other ones war" ....thinking ..thinking"....(players are invited to help >here<, if solution is made public STF escapes Morpheus riddle) ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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