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Player ID: 179495
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Regeneration : 10
Energetic immunity : 11
Trade sense : 5
Briskness : 16
Initiative : 5
Defence : 12
Attack : 21
Power : 5
Luck : 2
Royal Guard
Principle of Enthropy = 107
Principle of Cyclicity = 102
Principle of Balance = 91
Principle of Syntropy = 55
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Battle stats
Won: 258 | Lost: 355
Honor: 414
MindPower: 4
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Dead Man Walking

Being expelled from his homeland of Excatre, he now walks the Lands of Magic Duel.

Memoires of a madman:

These lands are strange, but full of opportunity.  I will return someday to Excatre and have my revenge, but until then I think I shall have fun here.  I was one of the best...no wait THE best terrorist, until my own brother turned on me.  The little no good, worthless, wanna-be terrorist had everything he ever wanted with me around.  I guess to him it wasn't enough.  He could no longer walk in my shadow.  He drugged me and the elite guards of his majesty captured me.

As was the punishment for all those like me, we were thrown into the "Pit of Darkness".  A pit they said that had no end.  My trusted right hand man, Kitley, was good enough to send me off with a proper bang.  Right before they threw me into the pit, as my curses upon their souls rang across the square, Kitley threw a spear through the heart of my brother, who stood beside the King as they watched with glee over my demise.

Kitley was always a good lad.  I raised him from the time he was just a boy.  His father was one of my first lackies, but unfortunatly not a very clean terrorist.  His own sloppyness was his downfall.  He got caught up in his own trap he had laid out for the small village of Kamperni, who had gone 4 months without paying my protection taxes.  When the village went up in flames, he got himself hung up in the barbs he had placed to keep the villagers in.  His mother was a rather ugly woman who I had killed for her ranting over her husband's death.  

That's all in the past now.  When they threw me into the pit it seemed like i fell through darkness for days, or weeks, maybe even months.  It was hard to say for how does one tell time in absolute darkness.  Finally I awoke, if it is to be called that, to a little girl with freakish eyes.  After finally getting away from her, I had a look at my new surroundings.  I thought death was what waited upon my doorstep,  but instead I find a vast world of all sorts of creatures.  The people are as strange as the creatures, but most seem friendly.

I like friendly people.  That much easier to torture and terrorize.  I seeth with hatred for my old home, and look forward to the pain I will inflict in this new world.  Watch out Jack for Meridius the Mad has come.

Some of my creatures
Elemental V Max Water Daimon I Elite Knator Aramor Assassin Hollow Warrior


Height- 5'7"

Weight- 120 pounds

Hair- black

Eyes- Blue

Alignment- Chaotic Evil

Page 480 - The Traveler
The subtle noise in Necrovion starts to again become stronger, rocks tremble visibly even if the sound is not heard by all ears. Barely seeing the world she once walked, Peace finaly breaks loose from her now degrading body. The low noise generated by the orb feels like food now, giving her strength. She feels every single rock and grain of sand in Necrovion as if the vibration suddenly became her eyes and ears. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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