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Night Quest Lady




meru chi
Player ID: 54772
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 32
Energetic immunity : 50
Trade sense : 26
Briskness : 39
Initiative : 26
Defence : 86
Attack : 181
Power : 49
Luck : 12
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Principle of Imagination = 277
Element Principle = 38
Principle of Syntropy = 351
Principle of Light = 257
Principle of Cyclicity = 16
An enlightened soul who lives to serve others. Blessed by the Moon with eloquence, she serves her alliance and acts as Live Support to aid all who seek her.
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Battle stats
Won: 392 | Lost: 630
Honor: 1895
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
~Meru Chi ~ Celestial Emissary
Title: Celestial Emissary
Description: Negotiator of relations between realms. Enlightened by the visions given to me by The Goddess.
Special Abilities: Moon's Whisper: to create an energy of influence to sway the outcome of a negotiation.
Touch of Moonlight: call upon the power of the moon to heal Vital Energy in exchange for heat.
Open the secret entrance to Loreroot.
Moon's Shadow: to hide in plain sight.
Acousticremains: As LHO manager this will assist in monitoring trainees progress.

Items Desired:      

Land Alliance:

Book - Ancient book of love poetry, handwritten by legendary author, Lemnak Sandway.
Shyuji Brush - Brush used in writing of calligraphy.
Sumi Ink - Ink used for shyuji brushes for writing calligraphy.
Rice paper - A thin paper in long scrolls used to write calligraphy on.

Personal Achievements:
  • Worked to improve the rate of player retention, offered player improvement suggestions and new feature suggestions, contributed to RPC and PWR nominations, helped organize and moderate MD chats, promoted MD community building through yahoo and msn messenger.
  • Former Apprentice Mistress of the Dojo – In charge of the day – to - day operations of the dojo.
  • LHO – answering help requests, assisting players in multiple locations throughout the realm, most notably The Dojo.
  • Promoted to manager of LHO training.
  • Author of The Archives.
  • Co-authored with Karak the initiation cermony for new priestesses/priests for the CoE.
  • Authored prayers in benificence of the Goddess of the Moon for use in Services held by CoE Clergy.
  • Won “Best Dojo Staff Award of ‘08”


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Ageless, Meru is destined for eternal cycles of reincarnation. She has been employed in the Goddess's service traveling many worlds, existing in many forms. She awoke in this world not knowing her purpose except that she would serve others once again. Later she would learn that she arrived in this realm with many of the conditions and abilities that were imposed on her over many lifetimes.

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(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
She wandered into Marble Dale Park and stumbled upon a scene similar to an art once practiced in one of her homelands. There were people training and dueling in mutual consent. Stopping to offer assistance to this place they call The Dojo, she eventually dedicated herself to its service.  Her dedication earned her great recognition for her prowess.

One evening as she took her ease in Marble Dale Park, the light of a shining orb in the sky attracted her attention as the sky darkened for a fleeting moment. It was the moment illuminating the next step on her path was revealed. Meru sought out Lucius Tarquinus Superbus to speak on matters of the night and the moon in this realm. Finding herself aligned to the theories of his order, Children of the Eclipse, and vowed herself to the order. She negotiates relations on the behalf CoE, using her ability to "see" many things, giving insight into many aspects.

Existing for so long she cannot remember what it is to love or to be loved only that she desires it deeply. A place of emptiness and suffering is where she has existed for so long; not only has she created it but has come to rule it.

Once again she knows what it is to love and be loved as Karak now accompanies her journey. He is the love and life of her soul, as their love has existed always, forever, and eternally. Together they walk in the light of the moon serving the Goddess, ever seeking knowledge and wisdom to aid all who seek their assistance.

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On her right arm you will find Karak’s engagement gift a band made of the moon’s metal, silver, engraved with opposing waxing and waning Moons, with Moonstone center setting as Full Moon, said to aid the wearer in the wielding of lunar energies.

Some of my creatures
Water Daimon III Day Dreamer Elemental V Chaos Archer Grasan Huvourer BloodPact Dark Archer III Master Lorerootian Archer Angien Majestic Winderwild Water Daimon II Grindylow II Knator War Master

I hate no one, my way is that of peace and compassion, The Way of the Kami.

For those who would disturb my way, I will protect and defend with The Way of the Sword.

As for me, what I really enjoy most is meeting new people from different places. I love culture and language so I am always excited to learn about people and their culture.

I'm not interested in taking sides but I am interested in knowledge. Maybe even if there will be a war there will be a lot to learn not only from it, but because of it.

It's a lot fun fighting other players as we all continue to progress towards our goals in the game.


The history of Karak and Meru

Karak's Telling:

I remember that day like it happened yesterday.  A young buck with a prize rack was grazing nearby.  As I aimed my bow, I caught a glimpse of movement from the corner of my eye and thought the buck would bolt, yet he seemed undisturbed by this new arrival.  Curious, I flicked my eye across the field to see the new being in the clearing and was mesmerized by the beautiful woman picking flowers.  My bow lowered all of itself as I watched, my quarry forgotten.  She was not of my village and I'd never set eyes on you before.  I had to know where you came from and I stalked you. If anything you had held fell from you hands in that first stalk, I gathered it up. Each dropped petal or discarded stalk became a connection with you, reaching into me, singing to my heart.  I was consumed by your gentle spirit.  I followed you everywhere.

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When you slept I became a silent guardian to your village lest anything befall you.  Many a time there were the remains of dangerous quarry left on the roads to your village either man or beast that would do harm to the village.  Yet when I looked into my heart I wondered if you would accept me, base and crude as I was.  So I stole books and read as I stalked and watched you, the words of the books leaping in my heart as my love for you grew stronger.  I would return them a few days later from where I'd taken them exchanging them for different ones.  All the while I was drawn to you and as I read and my heart sang.  I grew bolder in my surveillance of you.  Then it happened, one day I laid aside my books and as you bent to collect flowers for your family home. I moved silently to your side unable to be parted from you a moment longer.  I bent down and took your hand and was lost in your eyes as you stared at me.  It was a moment when time stood still and all nature stood silent to observe the bonding of two souls.  I kissed you hand, never loosing eye contact and lead you to my hiding spot, handing you the book I had taken from a villager.  Silently I helped you pick the flowers and escorted you home.  My heart beat like it never had before as I knelt beside you that day.  From that day on, I would meet you at your front door and leave you at your door each night, repairing to my guard post, longing to hold you a moment longer. 

The days seemed idyllic no matter the weather and I did things I never thought I would: teach stalking and archery, learning to tend gardens and husband animals, and providing for others not of my tribe.  In time my village forgot me, but I never forgot them, leaving trophies and food at the village gates in the night, the moon becoming my guide as you became my lover in all but fact. 

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Finally I sought out the medicine man of my village to tell him of my love.  He cast the bones to read what would come of it.  He told me it was a good match, then frowned and would say no more.  It was not until much later that I understood why.  He wished me well and thanked me for the gifts to the village and bade me make no more so that others would learn to hunt. He bestowed upon me a wedding gift, the beaded shirt I wore on our wedding day and the headband you wore.  When I returned after that I would never leave again.  I walked to your house and asked to speak with your parents, and gave them my wedding gift to you as a sign of my commitment.  In it were fine jewels and coloured beads strung throughout. They accepted me as a son.  I followed my heart to find you, to ask if you would have me for eternity as your husband, lover and only true soul.  How little did I realise the fateful words I had used.  To my great joy you took my face in your hands and smiled as you said "Yes". From that day I slept at night by the hearth of your fire and by day walked at your side. 

On our wedding day the medicine man from my village came. Arriving early in the morning, he met with yours and they spoke into the mid morning.  Together they presided over our union, which seemed laced with more magic than usual, but we were so happy that it went unnoticed.  Afterward they spoke long into the night, while you and I celebrated in our own way in the house that had been built for us.  I never knew what they spoke of until that fateful day of judgement. 

As time passed our bond grew so strong that when we were apart we were still together and when we were together others would come to spend time with us, walking away healed of their troubles.  Though we tried we were never granted the gift of children, so we became the foster parents to all the children who lost their parents.  Only on that fateful day did I understand why the gift of children was denied us.  In time, our position in the village became unquestionably one of respected elders.  The medicine man from my village visited with us often and each time he would spend two days and two nights with the medicine man from our village, during which time they would not be disturbed. The village prospered, and we were invited joined the village council. The village made new allies whenever we attended the negotiations and spoke in favour of reconciliation.  One day when the medicine men conferred we were summoned to their counsel and they told us of our fate.

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These are their words:
When you came to me, Faraway Walking (his name for me), I read the bones for your union. I foresaw this day and hoped that it would not come.  We, two wove great magics about you both on your wedding day to delay this day as long as we could, hoping the Gods would accept the sacrifice of no children from your union. But your love has grown beyond our protection and raised the God's ire as they cannot control it.  This village has become a beacon to the heavens that even the Gods cannot ignore, for magic happens here of its own accord and revolves around you.  Now you will be summoned too them as they cast their judgement upon you.

We held each other's hands and the medicine men left us. Our souls were called from our bodies and the judgement was passed upon us. That judgement has stood for an eternity until here in this realm we were reunitedand the divine nature of our bond revealed.

To hear Meru's telling of their first meeting seek out Karak and read her account

Page 263 - The Shade Ballance - Rav., Wod.
Raven walks to the Road of Battles and sits on the ground near Master Wodin while waiting to hear word of the Necros' decision. "You know," says the Illusionist, "If this goes through, you'll be able to start helping that dojo like you want to." The mighty warrior lays back in the grass, "Aye...wouldn't that be wonderful?" ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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