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Player ID: 198712
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 39
Energetic immunity : 32
Trade sense : 10
Briskness : 39
Initiative : 24
Defence : 70
Attack : 181
Power : 67
Luck : 6
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Principle of Imagination = 731
Principle of Light = 982
Principle of Syntropy = 1432
Principle of Balance = 728
Time Principle = 939
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Battle stats
Won: 252 | Lost: 244
Honor: 6158
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
The Story...
Many have wondered where I could have sprung from, indeed so do I.  I have travelled many places in search of an answer until my travels have finally brought me to the lands of MD.  I suspect I am human, but these are times of change, no one can ever truly know.  The most popular theory about my origins and being is that I was born and raised as a monkey in the top secret MD lunatic asylum.  I maintain that I am not a monkey.

I have an insatiable passion for cake and it has brought me far, I am one of the four founders of "The Cake Eaters" alliance, holding the title of Supreme Cake Master.  I have a vast library of cakes in my many cook books but I'm always creating new recipes with... interesting results.  I hope to spread cake to all corners of MD.  I currently make frequent visits to Golemus to give cake to the unfortunate (tiny men and empty aramors).

My experiments have resulted in the creation of my most beloved pet, Muffin, a baby mutant cake.  Muffin has only a few abilities at the moment but will grow strong as he ages.

Should you see me talking to myself know that I am not.  I frequently keep in touch with beings from other realms so if it appears I am talking to mid air I am really having an incredibly meaningful conversation.  Really I am.

My role is one of a peacemaker, I take no sides and do not judge.  I use my many skills to act as a mediator between warring parties, usually preventing further fighting.  The cakes help this process along nicely XD.


~The Cake Eaters~
We are the cake eaters!
We eat Cake! We feast on many different flavours of cake and other things in our picnic meetings! We aim to help other players, members or not. Our group is growing and many of our players are new but we will help to the best of our ability! Join us and have fun.  For more information, or to contact us, use this link: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7702-join-the-cake-eaters/

You are welcome to PM members with inquiries but we would appreciate it if questions and applications were conducted via the forums.

I hate you, no not you, or u although i do hate ewe and yew, but i hate the word you.  I mean, how stupid is that, it has the same pronounciation as u but unlike a and a it has added letters.  Then ewe and yew don't even have the letter u in them!  It's so stupid.  And consider saying that first sentence out loud, no one would have a clue about what you're talking about.  Then there's o and owe and oh... and i and eye and aye... stupid.
But to tell the truth, i don't really hate any words, or anything for that matter which makes all the above pointless.  Just wanted to point out the stupidity of language.

Page 223 - The Shade Ballance - Wod.
Upon returning from Golemus, Wodin promptly took measures to hide it. It would seem that many kiddies are asking the master if he knows where it is. They'll never find it like this! heh. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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