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Player ID: 164121
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 11
Energetic immunity : 12
Trade sense : 2
Briskness : 16
Initiative : 10
Defence : 18
Attack : 22
Power : 12
Luck : 2
Element Principle = 47
Principle of Enthropy = 41
Time Principle = 33
Principle of Light = 42
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 169 | Lost: 210
Honor: 2488
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
in progress
MP3 - solved berserkers puzzle
           solved loreroot puzzle
           solved labyrinth and entered golemus golemicarum
hopes- gaining acces to loreroot and necrovion

First Scroll - Awakening

I had the strangest dream. Of shades, candles, a little girl and a mysterious carnival.
How long have i dreamed? I do not know.

But i woke up. In a strange house - i later heard it was called the paper cabin.
Since then i tried to find out where i am.
I do not think this is Eden - this is much more exciting and enigmatic.
In this land - knowledge truly is power.

I've discovered new land. Marind Bell i believe it's called.
Now i'm trying to find out more about marind bell and this world.
I made new friends here - and found a mentor named Princ Rheagar - and made an interesting observation. No one seems to need food here.


I've learned a lot more now, and have acquired - and trained more creatures.
I start to feel at ease in this world (although it still holds many a secret), and more in specific, Marind Bell.
But i can only hope it will last. Necrovion and it's forbidden knowledge calls.

I started traveling once again, trying to find purpose in and the purpose of this world.
Many encounters anlong the way - not all of them friendly.
But my creatures protect me. They're loyal now.
I wonder where they came from?
Some of my creatures
Dark Archer III Elemental IV Grasan Huvourer

I don't hate.

But seriously, all you new MP3's: read the dojo rules
It makes life easier for everyone - not in the least yours, if you keep breaking the dojo rules.

Page 356 - The Inner Sun - Noo.
“This… this is a dream?! Someone! Anyone?! Help me!!” No One cries. The torrent abates and No One stand motionless. “Wait, something isn’t right…” He examines his skin for gashes but finds none. Instead, he finds something else more disturbing. Looking on in disbelief, No One finds he is covered in a thick, black, sticky substance like oil... or blood. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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