I hate none, but my anger is easy to spark, and does not fade easily.
My story is after the stuff I own
ABILITIES and what i cant do
Can change size but cant change forms
Can turn into lava and move earth, but no other elements
Can give or take strength
A strange lion cloth:this cloth is specail since when i die i will be absored into it.and the werewolf or werecreature that wears it over there lions will be granted the strenght and power of all who wore it befor them.
A sword: forged by a talented black smith with no name.Not used very often, even in battle
A cloak: a sign from my tribe that I am in the highest rank known as elders or wolvens
A cross from my mom I wear: she died a few years after I was born so now I keep it
A pouch containing Leapards Bain in a powder form
A pouch of crushed night shade
Vial of black mumba venum
Many diffrent kinds of gems and metals to build with
Deity in my tribe is not a god,just a really powerful being,deitys cant make life or make the dead come back to life.they also cant creat entire and etc
When I was about the age of 100 which is about 700 human years, I started to mature. By the age of 900 human years I was old enough and wise enough to go off on my own.So I spent the next 30 or so years exploring.On my last exploration I discovered an old if not anceint werewolf camp.This was the camp of a powerful werewolf tribe from long ago.The alpha ruled the camp for more then 2,000 werewolf years.There I sat thinking that was impossible.So I continued to explore and as I went on the details and mysteries grew.The walls told a terrible tale of how the Alpha absorbed the strongest werewolves from gladator battles in order to make himself stronger.The only reason they got out of this horrible place was because someone tricked the Alpha into giving up the power for more.Little did he know, it was a trap and he died from a ambush on him from other wolves.The wolves buried the power source and moved out of the camp.The ruins dont say were so I decide to look around and see what else was here.I found what it seems to be a cloth on the ground.It seemed to be moving somewhat and seems alive some how.I feel strangly attracted to it.So I go near to get a better look.It turn out to be a cloth after all.At that moment I thought how can a simple cloth be so life like.Could it hold some sort of power?I picked it up and examined it.It was very thick and seemed to move like water.A strange glow radated from it,it seemed to be a mix of darkness since the cloth was very dark and light sinced it glowed.As I held it,it began to cling to me as if wanting to be part of me.Since this place was abandon for a reason I put the cloth back on the floor.But I couldnt leave it so instead I stuck it in my pack.So I moved on deeper into the ruins.The cloth seemed to grow darker and glow brighter as I moved on.I came to an odd door almost circular.I tried to pry it open but found I could not.So there I camped for the day.There I exmained the cloth more closely.I moved it through my hands,it felt extreamly silky and soft, yet very,very thick.I also streched it but it did not brake, no matter how hard I pulled and clawed.And still it contued to amaze me.The cloth fell into the fire by accident but when I pulled it back out it wasnt burnt or anything.And there was still that strange atraction to it.Thats when i got the idea.Mnay of the local wolves hear wear cloth.So I'll find more of this cloth and make some armor.So I looked around for more but found none.At that point I thought this will have to do for now.I layed it right over my groin and that when things changed.Acttaly i nerver put it fully on.It jumped right onto my loin and stuck there.The cloth begin to shift over my groin clinging and grabbing at it.It's sized change to fit me perfectly.On top of that it was just so comfortable on my groin that i didnt even bother trying to tear it back off.Now the biggest change of all came,my body begain to pulsate and compules.I heard bones crack and new mucles form ontop of old.Soon I grow taller much taller.I went from 10 ft to 17 ft.And still it was not over.My arms expanded and grow as well as my legs and torso.The wiskers on my head turned tentacle like and they moved contently.All my sense became hightend.I heard every sound,saw every bug,smelled things miles away,even my taste was enhanced.Then my groin also grow to an equally large size.When everything stopped i exmanined my self.First touching my face the tentacle like wiskers wrapped around my fingers and it seemed to find every detail.I looked at the rest of my body and discovered it has become extreamly and unsaly muscular.I flexed my new mucles a few times and felt the power in them.But under closer looks i discovered my left arm now seemed to be made of earth as well as my tail.My tail was now long and siff like a reptile yet still in a way furry.As contued to exmain myself I kept thinking this was the power the Alpha had.Some of the secreat the cloth carried flowed into my mind and i couldnt help but feel fear.The power i now weild was dangrous and the cloth was in a way alive.It absorbes other creatures when they die or when the current creatures decides to absorbe another.But hey I liked this new body,so at that point i ripped off the door and took what was inside.Which was a cloak speicly made to go with this loin cloth.After that i left and travled home.The other wolves saw I could easily become ruler so made me it.I ruled fairly vowing not to be like the cruel ruler of the other camp.And my power contu to grow and change.When i got old i didnt look much diffrent then befor but they came to call me old wolf since i already ruled 2 generations of our tribe.Latter when i became wolven they called me wolf-deity becuase of my abilities and life.Though i have out lived my generation I am not lonly snce I still had my family.At least till the day of blood when i suddenly end up hear.So hear with only my loin cloth,cloak and a few items i start new life.
ME(soon to be updated to fit story i do not own this picture)

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