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Player ID: 135461
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 0
Energetic immunity : 4
Trade sense : 5
Briskness : 2
Initiative : 1
Defence : 0
Attack : 4
Power : 1
Luck : 1
Principle of Syntropy = 17
Principle of Enthropy = 9
Principle of Cyclicity = 14
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 12 | Lost: 11
Honor: 277
MindPower: 3
You are not yet a member of any alliance

Peachiegirl is new to this world...she is nervous but headstrong and brave.
She is someone who treasures her family and her friendships. She will fight to the death for the ones she cherishes.
She is honest, trustworthy and loyal!
She never forgets being wronged...or betrayed...but she can forgive, it will just take awhile to rebuild her trust and loyalty in you. So be warned, she has a very long memory.
Peachiegirl is someone who can laugh at herself but never cruelly at others and will come to that person's defense every time...
She is someone you want as your friend but never as your enemy..
She lives with disabilitating pain on a daily basis...so at times can come across quiet with very little patience. At these times a friendly hello or smile, really helps. She does not suffer fools lightly at the best of time...or crudeness or rudeness but loves a good sense of humor and a good joke.

Some of my creatures

Page 153 - The Shade Ballance - Wod
Tired by the torrid sun, Master Wodin decides to go on a vacation on Golemus beaches. Alliance members need to prepare their own plans considering the moves of the other alliances. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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