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Player ID: 56233
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Regeneration : 57
Energetic immunity : 135
Trade sense : 52
Briskness : 117
Initiative : 51
Defence : 341
Attack : 697
Power : 49
Luck : 25
Volition : 0
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Imagination = 884
Time Principle = 1128
Element Principle = 14
Principle of Balance = 870
Transposition Principle = 47
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 256 | Lost: 420
Honor: 3797
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Live Help Operator
 Behave yourself dog!           I\'ll try
As LHO I\'m always willing to take any feedbacks you can give to do my job better. Your thoughts are appreciated
Loyalty above everything
Just to kill time and because I like to know where everyone\'s from I\'m making a list of the diversity of nationalities in MD. If you wanna be added just PM me. Argentina EliasMVernieri Night bringer Australia Adiallinda Austria xcercses Belgium Alex40014 Marvolo Canada dwert Colombia moephus Hellas mendark Lady Isolda Holland .Shoeps. XinHun Hungary eleslaslos Indonesia FumaKilla Italy *Eden* Crymage savelfuser *perrobotillo* Israel Shaqman27 MaIaysia Neuro Neuro II Neuro III . . . Mexico Limbertok Norway FirceFire Philippines lord3angle tankfans Poland Virak Romania .Muratus del Mur. maftbp Slate smile2me MasterB Anaxor Slovenia .Raven. Norix Raah S52MTTMARTIN Spain nightmare89 FirceFire Turkey Valence UK Ethereal queen *abaddun* Dragoonus .Chewett. Phewparts .Gargant. USA meru chi .SmartAlekRJ. sioux SageWoman Logan Marquis King Bull Calyx of Isis meiche Bwitty0202 LunarGoddess Windspirit08 Lost WaNdeR Jack the Raven Cryxus Cleverwings Blind God pamplemousse MRD envy .Envy of Endurance. Je Suis Oeufs Fous Kragel Venezuela *perrobotillo* RAAN FORCE Vietnam AqlBeast
Some of my creatures
dst Slithice Fingolfin Finarfin Griever Migeru Birdie Feanor Frasculo Rancor Birdie 2

Human Nature
Foolish Humans who stand against Necrovion. Are you brave enough to step inside? If you get too far inside you\'ll only see your reflection.

Page 94 - Golemus Wizard quest - sim.
It seems the water he jumped in is much more than a water, or at least for him it is. It is said that shades can not get into water because it will drain their powers and return them to earth. Simplyzero, or what was left of this poor peasant that ventured on such an insane jurney, looks at the empty waters around him, slowly floating without purpose on what seems to be a small wooden ferry. At one end of the ferry he notices a man, he aprouches him and asks "Where am i, what is this place,...who are you.."? ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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