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Page 577 - The Hunt for Red Presents |
Invie decided he would interrogate Willow to find out what they knew of the gifts. Alongside them was Sunfire and someone who Willow described as the "putrid one". This arrangement, good cop, bad cop, and smelly cop, continued until Aamon, Jakubhi, and Aia appeared later to listen in on the conversation.
Willow was a sly one who unfortunately lacked memory until Sunfire palmed him a rather large Diamond. Upon miraculously regaining his memory Willow proceeded to explain that he allowed “the Fat Man” to store presents in exchange for an exorbitant number of coins. There was also a significant amount of advertising of his potions which are likely a scam. However the writer would like it noted that they are a bargain of a scam at just one silver coin, get them today! (advert inserted due to a large amount of coin changing hand, Willow is a crafty one)
Once discussions of low low priced potions had abated, Willow was then confused why there would still be presents in his storeroom, stating that they are normally gone on Christmas Eve. They remarked that they found their present under the tree as usual so was surprised when they found the presents still in the storeroom.
Willow was able to confirm, through viewing a flier of the murdered elf, that this was the person hanging around his storeroom. He remarked that the elf was seen moving presents back into the storeroom on Christmas Eve. This was something he felt was a tad odd, however you do not question the Fat Man’s elves, so he let it slide.
Bad cop continued until Invie made the somewhat final mistake of biting Willow’s hand. You know what they say, you don’t bite the hand that feeds you information. The Shop Guardian I was called in and escorted the troublemaker out of the premises, locking Willows shop to all who wanted to enter.
Like many others, Willow was unable to take the presents, however upon inspecting them decided it was likely elf magic protecting them. He was shown a snowflake by Aamon and agreed that that too smelt of elf magic. Willow stated that while they are an artificer (and self professed expert potion maker) they were not familiar with elf magic, but would tinker to see what could be achieved.
While Willow was very keen to accept the kind offers of more coin to take them to the Fat Man, he had to admit he did not know how to contact him. They explained the mountain of coin gets delivered by Aramour directly from the Fat Man. While third cop Ledah had been mostly quiet until now, he took special interest in this discussions concerning Willow and causing him to make notes about doubling the guard.
Good cop Sunfire continued the investigation, opting not to bite any more hands, and convinced Willow to explain that a number of elves that work for the Archives and they may know the Fat Man. Unfortunately the time drew on and Willows hands grew itchy, feeling anxious about the lost coin he was not scamming off people. At this point he bustled off ending the discussion and went to re-open the shop.
The full log is available on the forum, continue to send details to the INVISIBLE VOICE’s as required. The adventure, continues. ... |
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