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Player ID: 87836
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Regeneration : 7
Luck : 2
Energetic immunity : 6
Trade sense : 5
Briskness : 12
Initiative : 8
Defence : 24
Attack : 40
Power : 9
Royal Guard
Transposition Principle = 150
Darkness Principle = 5
Time Principle = 15
Principle of Balance = 18
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Battle stats
Won: 139 | Lost: 171
Honor: 5071
MindPower: 4
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Rayjinn and Ragapufph The Mage of Marind Bell and his Imp Rayjinn is a mage who resides in the wind\'s sanctuary. His blue clothes have black patterns moving in them, almost seemingly alive. His eyes are deep and grey with a shade of emerald green. The creature on his shoulder however is the real scary thing. Although small in size and looking like an imp, the creature has ruby red eyes that seem older than the pyramids. It smirks quite evil like it owns the place. And for all you know it does. This creature is definately not an imp. And whatever it is. It\'s not doing any good on the guy whose shoulder it inhabits. Rayjinn\'s voice is slow hollow and without volumeswitch or emotions. Not necisarily mindless, but seemingly surpressed by something or someone. ............. The imp called ragapufph is rumored to be an ancient sorceror trapped inside the body of his familiar. Though he cannot leave the vessel, he still has acces to all of his powers he had in life. Every friday he needs one drop of blood for his ritual. This drop of blood has to be of a woman. His current owner rayjinn is a student of a great sorcerer long gone that he worships. He doesn\'t know that it\'s Ragnapufph. but he is progressing in his magics. Ragnapufph is not a friendly individual. he has been cursed to this vessel for killing his wife. and he cannot leave the vessel and return to his time until he has acquired a drop of blood for every drop of blood his wife had lost. Ragnapufph can only communicate in an ancient demonic language but often summons a little spider to translate.
Some of my creatures
Master of Awkwardnes

Page 66 - Golemus Wizard quest - Wod.
A humanoid shape emerges from the glowing mixture of light and fog. The wizards stares at it with his eyes full of joy .. "Finaly!! ..Master Wodin...oh mighty warior..you are finaly here..the Shades will be finaly destroyed now ..just a few more moments and you will be able to exit the energy field."..he runs again outside to adjust the mirror .. As he steps outside a foreign thought reaches his mind .."Now could be a good moment, or maybe i should wait more and see what he is up to.." The wizard ignores it, he knows shades will send other killers for him but he is so close now, nothing can stop the process now.. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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