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Player ID: 93824
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Regeneration : 4
Energetic immunity : 4
Trade sense : 6
Briskness : 5
Initiative : 1
Defence : 4
Attack : 5
Power : 2
Luck : 1
Principle of Cyclicity = 13
Principle of Enthropy = 9
Principle of Light = 12
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Battle stats
Won: 34 | Lost: 34
Honor: 5000
MindPower: 3
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Sarkara tha planes walker
It was during the great clan war her mother and father met. Her mother the leader of the sabertooth tiger clan and her father leader of teh wolf clan. But it was not always peace between there two peoples...no her history is very much steeped in blood and death. Sarkara was raised in the astral planes by her mother Sarkara I and her father Givega. For most of her childhood she was taught the way of fighting, magic and tactical war scenarios. As she grew older and matured Sarkara learned that she had a brother. Wondering why her mother would have have not told her about this, sarkara went to go see her. Her mother told her the story; just after the clan wars had ended her and givega had been attack by a group of deamons. Givega and Sarkara in an attempt to protect the home were badly wounded. But the deamons did not kill them, oh no, they cursed Sarkara`s unborn child to be split at birth. One child being the flesh and the other the soul. After her mother told her story she told sarkara to not go look for him. But since all cats are curious she disobeyed her mother and went top look for him. She traveled for years finding nothing until one day she she ran into another sabertooth that looked excactly like her. But to her surprise it attacked her feriouscly. The two battled for many days before finally the two gave up and collapsed. Sarkara asked its name, and it responded that its name was Saga. After saying his named he disappered for many centuries until one day he reappeared but with an army. Now Sarkara is in seacrh of the twelve other animal clan leaders, for only with there help will she be able to stop him from destroying her world and any other dimensions he comes into contact with.
Some of my creatures

Page 273 - The Shade Ballance - Kn. Yrth. Wod. dst
"Thank you Commander, Golemus will never forget your help" Yrthilian takes the dagger from Knator Commander. "Wodin, now you die, i think you got used to that allready .... muhahhaha". ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
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