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Player ID: 99858
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Regeneration : 1
Energetic immunity : 2
Trade sense : 3
Briskness : 1
Initiative : -1
Defence : 4
Attack : 10
Power : 3
Luck : 2
Principle of Syntropy = 29
Principle of Enthropy = 11
Time Principle = 5
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Battle stats
Won: 97 | Lost: 76
Honor: 152
MindPower: 3
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Some of my creatures
Grasan II

Page 583 - The Hunt for Red Presents
Ledah and Aamon, both holders of the snowflakes held a meeting in the archives to see the elf. Jakubhi also came along as a neutral third party to observe the meeting. When the trio arrived they found mountains of paper and could hear a muffled cry under it. Aamon, being a kind-hearted fellow, decided to try and move the papers but found there were too many even with Jakubhi joining in. After much discussion the trio decided to light the papers with a lighter Ledah carried, this would surely get rid of them and free the elf!

After piling branches on top of the letters to ensure a good burn Ledah stepped back and, with the agreement of the other two, lit the fire. Almost immediately the fire spread to engulf the entire room and Aamon started shouting to put out the fire.

Unfortunately as the fire grew the team were forced out into the study into the earlier office. The fire continued to rage but luckily Jakubhi noticed that the roof of the previous room was collapsing. With quick thinking he broke a weather spell tablet and cast it, starting a tumultuous downpour centred on the archives. While the fire was much reduced, smoke began to fill the halls and our gallant heroes retreated to outside the archives to watch their efforts.

With smoke covering most of the archive buildings and being visible from many scenes away Sunfire made his way over to the archives. He initially ran past our heroes however the smoke was too thick and he had to retreat again. A debate ensured about whether casting another rain spell would cause further problems but the group decided that the fire was still more dangerous. Once again a weather spell caused the clouds in the area to open up, dousing the archives with more water.

Once most of the smoke had cleared, the trio, joined by Sunfire, ventured into the hallway and down to the Archives study room. The heroes then discovered that in their brave journey leaving the archives they had left Mallos in the room. After checking him over and deciding he was probably ok they discussed the day’s work. They had still not found the elf, destroyed a vast quantity of letters and possibly an entire room, and flooded the archives. Ledah summarised this confidently by stating that in his view it went very well.

The team decided to return to the archives the next morning to see the damage... ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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