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Eargon Shadeslayer




Player ID: 2947
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 18
Energetic immunity : 25
Trade sense : 11
Briskness : 30
Initiative : 9
Defence : 97
Attack : 178
Power : 19
Luck : 8
Sun God Armour
Time Principle = 131
Principle of Balance = 63
Element Principle = 90
Principle of Imagination = 28
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 514 | Lost: 515
Honor: 4898
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance


I am the Shadow

my purpose has been revealed

the trapped soul has a champion

you will feel thier pain through me

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

The strenght of the tortured soul has no bound.

Thank you Burns, i have lot of battles with your forest ritual

Some of my creatures
Shadow Elemental Shadow Chaos Archer Shadow Daimon Shadow Assasin Shadow Tree Shadow War Master Shadow Master Shadow Priest Shadow Winderwild Shadow Grassan Shadow Knator


Page 283 - The Shade Ballance - Sh.
"Mastter...massterrr....." the shades almost completely dissolve without the presence of some imbalance to sustain their life. The few remainders withdraw to Inner Necrovion to wait for the imbalance to return and expand their power and dominance once more. "Anndd, the Sentinnaells?" "Whoo c.carreess...." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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