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Epi Quizon




Player ID: 91202
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 125
Energetic immunity : 86
Trade sense : 44
Briskness : 139
Initiative : 80
Defence : 717
Attack : 949
Power : 99
Luck : 38
Volition : 0
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Transposition Principle = 1083
Principle of Balance = 662
Principle of Imagination = 644
Time Principle = 779
Principle of Light = 772
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 493 | Lost: 1014
Honor: 156
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance

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(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
Some of my creatures
Mental shadowmaster SW Imsain Angien

Welcome to the Magicduel Adventure


How do you start playing?

_..)/.._For New Player_..\(.._

˜*•. ˜*•.•*˜ .•*˜
˜*•. ˜”*°•.˜”*°•.•°*”˜.•°*”˜ .•*˜
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.•*˜.•°*”˜.•°*”˜”*°•.˜”*°•. ˜*•.
.•*˜ .•*˜*•. ˜*•.

Click the scroll

First thing you have to do is to click the big scroll on the table in Paper Cabin. Go with your cursor over the big draqing in the middle of the page and you will see the scroll glowing in orange. Once you open the scroll page, follow the tasks there. Every time you finished a task or think you have finished one, check the scroll.

How do i fight other players?
At the beginning of the game, you are immune to attacks. After finding the map and exploring the southern reagion of the map, you get to a dwelling place where you can recruit creatures. Once you recruit a creature a new menu item will be activated to display the creature inventory. After fighting with some characters in the game, you will enter story mode. During story mode you can not do anything else but follow the story. Once out of the story mode you can attack and can be attacked by other players.

How do i revive my creatures?

Click the creature inventory icon in the menu. A small orange button apears under each creature that lost vitality, click it to give vitality to that creature. Every time you click that button a part of your vitality will go to that creature, every time less, and it will consume one action point. Usualy when loose a fight where you involved a lot of vitality , your vitality is too low to recharge the creatures, in this case you should wait for the next regeneration interval (the big counter).

Can i die?

Almost. When a player attacks you and destroys all your forces, you can just recharge them at the next regeneration interval, but some parts of the story, depending on what you choose during story mode, can have as an ending your death. In this case you will be able to restart the game at that point and advance to next mindpower level. When you die during story mode, the penalty is that you advance to next mindpower level and you loose the oportunity to get all the skills and bonuses you could get from finishing the story. Other penalties will be added as we are constantly updating and adjusting the game.

Is it good to finish the story fast and have more mindpower?

No its not. Every time you increase to the next mindpower level, all the forces you will fight will be more dificult to defeat. Keeping a lower mindpower level and developing a strong character its a better way to play. You can only advance to a limited mindpower level, and that is 4 times until you reach level 7 (this might hange later in beta and beyond). Try to select longer periods of time when selecting when to continue to next story page. 6 hour periods are the most efficient, and 24 hour periods are marked special and counted for later changes in gameplay.

How do i defeat the shades in the tutorial?

Get about 3 creatures, one healer and 2 aramors, attack and defeat as many as you can, then wait to recharge the creatures and also wait for your vitality to recharge. Always use the vitality slider at max. The second shade in the middle of the road is the hardest, if you loose against it wait to attack it with stronger forces, dont attack imediatly , NPC's don't loose anything in a fight so if you lost once you will loose second time unless you will use stronger forces.

Why can't i get a Grasan creature?

Not all creatures should be aquired from the start. You will be able to come back at the aramory later and buy it as your stats will allow it.

How can i join an alliance?

Ask any alliance member to invite you

For more info check the forums or ask the live help operators ...



Creature abilities and combat targets


The more advanced a creature is the more thing it can do.


Creature will restore vitality to target creature based on its power attribute


Creature will increase targets defence attribute for the next round based on power attribute. Affected creature will do 1/4 of its normal damage while defended. Temporary effect, applies next round, lasts 1 round.

Weaken Defence

Creature will lower targets defence attribute for the next two rounds. Effect value is based on attack attribute. Temporary effect, applies next round, lasts 2 rounds.

Steal Life

Creature will take vitality from target creature and give to random friendly unit . Amount is based on power attribute. One of the most powerfull abilities, but useful only against very strong oponents.


Will make target creature to recover a percentage of his current vitality the next two rounds based on power attribute of caster. Can not be greater than maximum vitality. Temporary effect, applies next round, lasts 2 rounds.


Does damage to target based on attack value. Normal action.

Random Damage

Does random damage to target based on attack value, usualy attack value is huge for these creatures, making this ability often act as acritical strike. Rare ability.

Haotic Damage

Does damage to target based on attack value +/- 50%. This is a very unpredictable attack that can cause massive damage or very little.

Martyrism / Protect

Gives target creature a huge defence bonus based on power attribute and takes that value from the casters vitality. Temporary effect, lasts 2 rounds and grants every time the initial bonus.



Randomply selects a target creature from target player. Only creatures with vitality over zero are selected. Usefull to change odds of a fight.


Selects a creature with vitality under 100%. Because of the player involved vitality, during a combat creatures often have more vitality than their maximum. This option is usefull to heal units in critical condition or to atack allready dying creatures.

Weak creatures

Power of a creature is determined by adding attack and defence attributes. This option will select the most weak creature available, based on this criteria. Usefull to eliminate the small annoying creatures first and then to focus on the big more dangerous ones.

Strong creatures

The same as weak creatures, only this will return the most powerfull creatures, regardless of their current vitality as long as they have any. Usefull to kill the most powerfull threats first and then finish off the small ones.


Selects a random number of target creatures, minimum 2. Often clumsy creatures with powerful attacks have this option. Luck attribute will not influence this option.



Selects all creatures available at target player. Often clumsy creatures with powerful attacks, at high levels, have this devastating option, or high level healers.




Creatures under your control

Combat rituals

You may use up to 6 creatures in a combat ritual. Combat rituals are created before combat and are used to establish what your creatures will do during a fight.

Recharging a creature

To revive your creatures go to the creature inventory page and click the little orange button that will appear under each creature that lost vitality. Like this you will give 8% of your available vitality each time you click and loose one action point. Make sure you have enough vitality tu recharge them becuse usualy after an intensive fight you remain also without vitality, in this case you have to wait for the next regeneration interval. To transfer more vitality to your creature on a sinlge click (for each action point used) get more Adepts. Its a good practice to recharge and keep your creatures at full strengh all the time as your vitality will regenerate back over time but creatures vitality will remain the same if not recharged by you.

What are adepts

Everytime a player registers using your affiliate code it will become your adept. This doesn't affect the other player in any way. Having more adepts will give you some advantages during the game and will also make this community grow bigger. Some parts of the quest will require you to use some of your adepts in certain ways. Also you must know that registering fake accounts to get adepts its strictly prohibited and will get your account deleted without notice. Only active players are counted as adepts, so if you know for example that 5 of your friends registered from your affiliate link and you only see 2 of them as your adepts, that means that the other 3 were not active in the past days. Once they become active players again they will apear in your adept list.

Creature upgrades

Every creature has several upgrade levels. You must meet all requirements to upgrade a creature. Click on a creature icon to see more details about it.
Every level grants that creature new abilities and makes it more powerfull.

Combat Abilities

Depending on level, each creature will be able to do more actions during combat



Online users and live chat

In work..

You can see users in one location if they loged in in the past 1 days. You will see them grayed out as they are not online.

Players that were in the last 60 minutes online you can see them in dark color if they just passed that location, or orange color if they are in that moment exactly in that location.

The player list updates every 40 seconds

The chat window updates every 7 seconds

Chat messages remain visible for 6 hours (for testing, later it will be less)




Honor points

honor points are calculated like this:

x = (fights won - fights lost) for attacking player (YOU)
y = (fights won - fights lost) for defending player (enemy)

honor base score: s = y-x

gameplay adjustments:
if s is negative, negative honor is just 1/3 of the honor base score
if s is positive, positive honro received is 2 times more than the base score


player A has 1000 won fights and 1100 lost fights
player B has 800 won fights and 950 lost fights

x = -100
y = -150
s = -50

player A has -50 base honor score so he gets -17

Defender (the player that is attacked) will lose honor points only if he loses against a player with less wins than him, the honor los is a penalization and is ment to prevent certain exploits on a larger scale. The honor reward (negative of positive) defined by the formula above comes only to the attacker, the defender will not get or lose honor other than the possible penalization.

That honor points received for a fight may be negative so you may actualy loose honor points if you fight weaker players. Try not to attack players that give you negative honor, except if you can afford that honor loss.

Basicaly, high honor means player has a attacked stronger players and won, so he is more powerfull (maybe not in that moment however)
low honor means player has attacked weaker players that have a greater loss count then him.
Someone with low honor doesn't mean he is weak , it means only that he is usualy attacking weak players.
The more you win the more honor points other players will get when defeating you, so be carefull you will become a target.

Honor points are used to activate certain areas, items, features, quests ..so try to get as much as possible.
Improve your army, and fight only players that give you better honor points.

Some missions will require low honor, so eventlualy there is something interesting for those with low honor also but don't count too much on it, the real fun part is for those who get more honor points.



Profile and skills

General Profile

Profile values can have 4 sources: initial values given by story and fight bonuses, weapon values given by items equiped, house values given by the main territory you are in and alliance (guild) bonuses given by the guild you are in if any.

You profile points for the different skills you can learn are given to all your creatures that fight in a combat based on the vitality you involve in that fight. For example if you have 12 attack and fight a battle with 4 creatures and full vitality, each creature will get 3 attack during combat (+3 damage).

You can get fractions of skill points but only when they summ up to a full number will they count, so 4.99 is still 4 during combat.

Different skills you can learn:


Value from 0-100 that indicates what percent of your creatures vitality will recover after each fight. A value of 30 means that you will recover 30% of the lost vitality during combat devided by the number of the creatures that were engaged with the last fight ( e.g. 30 % diveded to a number of 5 creatures that you had engaged with a fight, would mean each creature will regenerate 6% of its full vitality).


If your luck value is greater than enemy luck during a fight you will have a chance to do double damage or cancel an enemy action whatever that is.
When navigating the map, high luck will make you find valuepoints with a chance of 1/3 in each location you enter. A negative value will make you loose Vp. Other undocumented uses of luck value exist.

Energetic immunity:

If you become member of a territory and a guild you will start to regenerate vitality on frioendly land and loose vitality on enemy land. Energetic immunity will act as a defence against land damage. Spell damage is also under the influence of this modifier. However, this property will make you less aware of certain bonuses and powerup auras as well.

Trade sense:

To buy things you need value points (Vp). Tradesense will make you pay less than the display price, even if it will not show it directly. For example if an item costs 1000Vp and you have the tradesense ability , you will see 1000 as the price but when actualy buying that item you will spend just 800 (example) , giving you the feeling you always have more valuepoints that it should be...nice feeling.



During a fight creatures will be sorted in order of their initiative value. The Creatures with higher initiative will attack first. The higher the level the more initiative creatures have. Player initiative skill will be divided to the creatures that fight in a combat based on the vitality involved in that battle.


Defence value is subtracted from each attack. If defence is greater than enemy attack during a hit, the damage done to defending player is at least 1 vitality point.


Actual damage done. This value is canceled by enemy defence value and damage done is always minimum 1.


Value hat adds to each Heat increase during gameplay. having high briskness value will make you get maximum heat much faster. For example you get 4-6 heat seconds for each new location you visit, if you have lets say 20 briskness you would get 24-26 heat seconds every time you move, making you reach maximum heat very fast just by going to a place. Heat is an amplifier of gained bonuses and skills during a fight. A higher heat at the moment of attack will get you more reward if you win that fight than the fight normaly would.


Some creature have the power attribute indicating things like, spellpower, healpower and any kind of power that is not direct damage or defence. Power attribute of player will be divided to existing creatures during a fight.

More skills are planned to be implemented in the gameplay.

Weapon sets

coming soon...

Principles Charge

coming soon...



What is the regeneration interval?

When this interval passes you gain additional actionpoints, exploring points, value points and you recharge vitality. Basicaly if your stats are too low and you cant play because of this, you will have to wait for the next regeneration to recover.

As you can notice, all your stats have a maximum number. Once this number has been reached, the regeneration process wont recharge you over those stats. You can increase the maximum stats (like maximum vitality, maximum value points etc) by finding powerups in the game, solving quests and andvancing more deeper in MagicDuel world.

The amount of stats recovered on each regeneration depends on the guild (alliance) you are in. In the beginning all players are not part of any guild. Later in the game, after you will reach a certain point and the story will request you to join a guild, more info about this will be available.



Interactive story / Tasks

If not in story mode, this page will display information about what tasks you have to complete to go on. Every time you finish a task, come back to this page to see if you can advance to the next page or there are other tasks unloked.
Story mode

During story mode you can not access anything else but the story page. Every time you open a new page of the MagicDuel story you receive new stats and skills based on your choice on on other secret profile modifiers. Depending on how fast you move on to the next page, the stats you will receive can be greater. Choosing a longer delay until the the next page of the story becomes available requires patience but will also grant you with more skills from that story part. You never know what you will get until you reach that page, but in general choosing a longer time for a bigger reward pays off. Also its a good ideea to choose a longer period when you know you played enough for today and you will return tomorow , so that the time you are not in the game will be used for getting better skills.

Often you will get to choose what you want to do next in this story. Whenever such a choice comes think twice before choosing...your entire profile can be changed greatly just because of one simple choice.

Good luck and have fun the magicduel world

For the new player if you any Question just ask. I am glad and willing to help you:))

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Page 81 - Golemus Wizard quest - Ak.
Akasha thinks of all clues she has about the Book of Principles. 6 papers that look like pages of a notebook, the fact that the book is protected by the principles in a hard to describe way and she has a strong feeling that the book itself should be somewhere at the huge floating pyramid burning in the sky. Suddenly shy has an ideea, she starts getting all the rocks she can so that she can climb as close to the floating pyramid as possible, not to reach it , but to bring the papers close to the fire.... ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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