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Player ID: 48897
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Regeneration : 24
Energetic immunity : 32
Trade sense : 28
Briskness : 34
Initiative : 12
Defence : 36
Attack : 68
Luck : 12
Power : 24
Sun God Armour
Darkness Principle = 76
Principle of Enthropy = 75
Time Principle = 74
Principle of Imagination = 51
Transposition Principle = 29
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Battle stats
Won: 197 | Lost: 193
Honor: 87
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
I have traveled from a distant place, seeking .... always seeking. I have been called many names, bounty hunter, assassin, but these trivial things do not concern me. Tis the thrill of the hunt that I seek and the look in the eyes of a target right before they die, a man can see ultimate truth in dying eyes and i seek that truth for within that truth lies power. A man must have priciples and ideals but one mans ideals are not suited for anouther man. Killing is a means to an end for me, although i would be a liar if i said i did not enjoy my work Grim? I suppose but is death the end for us as mortals this is the ultimate question I see ....things in the eyes of the dead... tell me boy have you ever seen the light go out of a mans eyes as they pass over? No, I didn\'t think so ... you see things in a dead mans eyes that mortal were never ment to see. What you ask? Well perhaps when the time is right ill show you what i have seen but you might not like my methods.
Some of my creatures
Sureshot Swiftwind Souleech Pimped Grasan Galeforce

I despise cowards and fools, know your place in this world achieve victory through persistance. Physical strength is not the source of all power it is the mind for with the power of mind one can destroy or create life with but a thought.

Page 320 - The Inner Sun - Bo.
Bootes winds his way through the twisty corridors of Sages Keep and marvels at the maze-like complexity of the interior. He follows the faded map to a set of doors at the end of the hallway. Bootes opens the doors to reveal a large study like room surrounded by walls lined with rows of scrolls and books. He enters the study and begins searching through the documents for the one that will continue his quest. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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