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Player ID: 189105
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 84
Energetic immunity : 130
Trade sense : 56
Briskness : 120
Initiative : 73
Defence : 376
Attack : 405
Power : 74
Luck : 55
Filtering : 0
Volition : 0
Cartography : 1
Silver Set
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Element Principle = 64
Time Principle = 137
Darkness Principle = 163
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Battle stats
Won: 620 | Lost: 1422
Honor: 5000
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Parts of my belief:

Believe those who are seeking the truth.  Doubt those who find it.
It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers.
Tomorrow always comes, and today is never yesterday
Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise.  Seek what they sought.

My Achievements as MP5

Survived the Shades Ambush
Defeated the Guards of Willows Shop
Completed the Berserkers Puzzle
Defeated the Loreroot Guards

My Achievements as MP4

Survived the Shades Ambush
Defeated the Guards of Willows Shop
Completed the Berserkers Puzzle
Defeated the Loreroot Guards
Day 165 of the 5th Year: I was accepted as member of the Necrovion Sentinels

My Achievements as MP3

Survived the Shades Ambush
Finished the "What number am I Puzzle Arcade Quest"
Completed the Berserkers Puzzle
Defeated the Guards of Willows Shop
Placed 3th at the HC

My Story

After escaping from the box and all the travels i did with the little girl, i ended up in an unfamiliar place.

This unfamiliar place seems full of puzzles and quests... I find it fun to do. Even some fishing is nice to keep me and my creatures well fed. I wandered all around and collected some strange creatures. But then again, when i am attacked by other ppl i see even stronger and more impressive creatures. I even found out where you can buy them, but every time i try to get one there is those guards in the way not letting me pass.. Seems i have to train my current creatures some more since after 8 round all my creatures are down and the guards are hardly scratched.

Maybe i should be looking for a mentor, someone who could help me on my travels, someone who knows his/her way around.

Ok after restoring a bit from the fight and the fear that those guards left me with, i decided to take it a bit slower and do some more sightseeing. I stumbled across some place called the GGG by most ppl. a place to talk about the creatures and a place to train them. I stayed a bit around there, and experienced my first Burst.
But still, staying in one place to long is nothing for me yet so i moved on... finding out about a cardgame. Even though i didn't got the strategics clear for the game i gave it a try and won 50% of the games i played. And offcource some ppl did better then me so no WP for me.... more luck next time.

While playing the cardgame i heard about a rumor... a possibity for me to even do some more exploring. It would be risky to participate, but still, i would be able to see places i didnt visit before so i took my chances and went for it :D

Walking around with the torch was a real nice experience. I even managed to get me some new creatures i only had dreamed of. Still i miss some which are on my list. but i am closer to getting them i think.

Though walking around and attacking some ppl was not good for my reputation it seems. If people see me comming they hide from me... no idea what caused it, but it doesnt feel nice to be avoided :(
Maybe i should find out why i am avoided and how to be more liked again.

After all the fun i had before i decided to move along. With fresh courage i stepped up and asked if someone would be willing to teach me the ways of the country of my desire, so that one day i could be one of its inhabittants.
So far i think i passed the tests, but then again who knows whats still to come......

At day 165 of the 5th Year i managed to finish my training and to be accepted as member of the Necrovion Sentinels

To be continued

Some of my creatures
Elemental V Water Daimon III Skill Vampire Sizu Unholy Priest II Dark Archer III Master Lorerootian Archer Elite Knator Chaos Archer Hollow Warrior Majestic Winderwild

What i hate and why i hate them :
Things i hate in random order
Drachs: For being real expensive and for rich plauers who keep pounding me with them

Soulweavers: For.... well actually i have no idea about them.....

Angien: For burning me

Lemmings : For being without an own will and just doing as been told

Junk: Seems the waters are filled with them and they give the fish a chance to get away

Knator War Master : For being better then my Grasan

Master Lorerootian Archer : For picking on my weak creatures

Bob : for being there and not being on a campfire.
For taking away friends since they think Bob is important

GG: For letting me get stuck after i made it there in one piece

aaront222 for :
shnappie: Anyone knows who the guardian of BoB is ?
 aaront222: Ledah

When i walk around in the MD lands i feel like a mouse


(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

Page 164 - The Shade Ballance - Kn. Mur.
"Soldiers!, this is our precious cargo this time, we need transport this back to Loreroot, watch out for enemies, but especialy for shades, I was ... Commander stops and looks at some dust cloud far away....What?!, whats there??" The .Knator Commander. prepares his weapon and so do the other soldiers. A funny silhouette approaches at high speed carrying a bunch of small and medium sized colored boxes. "Oh, Sir Mur .. whats the hurry? if i may ask..". "Giiifffttss....wwmmmm..." The silhouette departs even faster than it came dropping some of the boxes on the way. "Oh well, nevermind that , back to what i was saying ..". One of the soldiers picks a box from the ground. "Oh ..a candy, yummmm". ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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