I am Sound. I am a DeadShot This is sound (Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
Sound is a young boy (14),very innocent as well.Some how he lost his hearing.He dosent no how or why.But his stroy told through poems and through sounds if you care to listen.Sometimes he dosent speak right.And at other he can mimic sounds that he cant hear such as thunder or other peoples voices.His only ability is teleportaion(in the short sense anyways),and can "hear" people thoughts at times,and strangly he has a tail and pointy ears and I guess a bit on the furry side, and with that said hear is his story
PS-although he consider himself a trickster,i mean he does have a tail after all.Otherwsie the only thing else you should know is that he stands about 3 feet in this relm,otherwsie it sometimes seems he more reptilian,Sound is unable to control elements(yet)but has a deep connection with nature,including his inner elements
We were driving along
Me in the back,sis in the front
Parents did drive
Fog hung all around
Then it happened
Same time that glass cracked
my world seemed shattered
everthing stopped
no it slowed
No Memory exsited
except now i was bleedng
Some kid called the emengencys
I looked around
My Families all right
Nothing broken
Nothing found
Except something was
I dont know what
or maby who
Maby it was bad
Maby it was good
But one things for sure
something some where
was Shattered
People say one can go on and on
and on
What about
Depends on the person
Im not sure what gets me going
on and on
But when i do you should listen
becuase maby You need to hear this
Then again maby you dont
Or maby its the other way around
Maby I need you
But where were you
when i need someone
to go
on and on
where am i
where are you
i am hear
you are there
we are hear
in the univese
in this place
we all call home
i dont know bout
but no place my home
weather i be hear
weather i be there
i will be home
in this universal place
where am i
i am no where
or perhaps everywhere
one day hear
next day gone
no really notices
really cuz im not
long enough to see
but what if
what if
someone did see me
will i be there
will i be no where
onw day
when i was feeling
i wrote in the ground
for what Seemed like no reason
at all
I Am Sound
but perhaps there is a reason
And you just aint looking right
try looking back up
or back down
eather way
I Am Sound
Now that you know a little bit more about him,what exactly is he.Well Sound is a human basicly.But in other places he has been called a trickster,gate keeper and sevral otyhyer names.But he just calls himself a slider.Otherwsie sound also enjoys building things and pushing other things to the limit
This is my voice
(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
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