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Player ID: 81903
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Regeneration : 3
Luck : 0
Energetic immunity : 0
Trade sense : -1
Briskness : 3
Initiative : -1
Defence : 1
Attack : 2
Power : 0
Transposition Principle = 15
Element Principle = 13
Darkness Principle = 15
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Battle stats
Won: 14 | Lost: 14
Honor: 5000
MindPower: 3
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I long for the night...
The heat. All the heat in this nightless world is burning my back and makes my head spin. I don\'t remember who I am anymore, all I can recall is that paper cabin in which I strangely felt home. I always feel more comfortable when I\'m in the shade but here is almost impossible to get, that everpresent burning sun in the sky engulfs everything with its light. I don\'t know much of my past but what I know for sure is that I long for the night, for the darkness to come; one should think I\'m a dark being but strangely enough all the shades I met since I left that cabin tried to hurt me. Maybe they just wanted me to join them and maybe I should... But no, death is not an option. I want to see the night, be submerged by its darkness, not be part of it. Meanwhile I was wandering to understand more of this world I came across two things that may sound promising, one is the gate to Necrovion, there I could keep on studying the dark arts and maybe be able to bring at least more shadow in this world, but unfortunately only gods can pass them. The second promising thing is a group of people, led by a lady called Penelope LightMoon that are trying to restore the night and search for the moon; now that is a news that makes one\'s day. I will follow them and help in their quest, I hope that with my help and my knowledge of the dark we can succeed.
Some of my creatures

Page 8 - Golemus Wizard quest - sim.
An uneducated peasant, known by the name of simplyzero, frustrated by the fact that he can not participate in the wizard quest, decided to go on a jurney to find the shades and kill them. He seems well motivated and he will probably die with the sword in his hand..thats IF he will find the shades.... ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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