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Player ID: 108262
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Regeneration : 3
Energetic immunity : 2
Trade sense : 5
Briskness : 2
Initiative : -3
Defence : 2
Attack : 3
Power : 1
Luck : 0
Principle of Imagination = 13
Principle of Light = 13
Principle of Balance = 11
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Battle stats
Won: 59 | Lost: 32
Honor: 282
MindPower: 3
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Some of my creatures
ts spirit ts armor big boy

Page 111 - Golemus Wizard quest - Ak. Alc.
"Good day!" the old man speaks "My name is Alche, well its not exactly my name but its pronounced better that way ... i am a traveler from the Archive Lands and i mean no harm to you, may i know your name?". Akasha a bit bored by this introduction and thinking about things tells him her name. "OHH, realy..you are indeed Akasha? the one that tried to get the Book out of the pyramids fire? I was searchign exactly for you! i come from far away in the search of the great knowledge of Golemus Golemicarum, rumored to be written in that Book, and i heard about you at the Gazeebo of gravitational sound and i hoped you could share your knowledge with me about that Book " Akasha looks a bit frightened at him and thinks "Who is this fool man that thinks i will tell him about MY book of principles...he wants to steal it for sure.." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
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