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Sweet Dude




Player ID: 70752
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Regeneration : 51
Energetic immunity : 81
Trade sense : 50
Briskness : 46
Initiative : 25
Defence : 110
Attack : 251
Power : 80
Luck : 38
Volition : 15
Cartography : 2
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Darkness Principle = 162
Principle of Enthropy = 548
Principle of Imagination = 37
Transposition Principle = 1264
Principle of Syntropy = 26
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 404 | Lost: 487
Honor: 10
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance

Everyone should strive for the unknown

I belive that humans greatest strenght is our curiosity.
But if he/she isent aware of the risks, and just blindly follows what ther curiosity tells them to do,
then the curiosity turns into a weakness
which could bring down even a king.

Although curiosity is an innate capability of many living beings,
it should not be categorized as an instinct
because it is not a fixed action pattern rather
it is an innate basic emotion because while curiosity can be expressed in many ways,
the expression of an instinct is typically more fixed and less flexible.
 Curiosity is common to human beings at all ages from infancy to old age,
and is easy to observe in many other animal species.

Strong curiosity is the main motivation of many scientists.
 In fact, in its development as wonder or admiration,
it is generally curiosity that makes a human being want to become an expert in a field of knowledge.
 Though humans are sometimes considered particularly curious,
they sometimes seem to miss the obvious when compared to other animals.
 What seems to happen is that human curiosity about curiosity itself,
 combined with the ability to think in an abstract way,
 lead to mimesis, fantasy and imagination - eventually leading to an especially human way of thinking ,
which is abstract and self-aware, or conscious.
 Some people have the feeling of curiosity to know what is after death.


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Some of my creatures
Elemental V Unholy Priest II BloodPact Dark Archer II Majestic Winderwild

Page 138 - The Shade Ballance - Che.
Sitting on the dock, chewett stares down at the water, which had once flowed near the brick path, lapping at the base of the support beam. Without warning, the water level had receded. "But why?" He ponders. His thoughts were interrupted when a messenger arrives with reports of a new theory regarding the Angiens. chewett nods slowly as he listens to the news. "Looks like the time has come," he says, "to turn our search towards principles and magics." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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