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Player ID: 66755
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Regeneration : 78
Luck : 12
Energetic immunity : 23
Trade sense : 14
Briskness : 64
Initiative : 33
Defence : 138
Attack : 211
Power : 50
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Darkness Principle = 200
Time Principle = 112
Element Principle = 56
Principle of Enthropy = 55
Principle of Balance = 44
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Battle stats
Won: 189 | Lost: 188
Honor: 4809
MindPower: 5
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master of rage
Trough the tides of time heroes have risen...finding glory,wisdom and doom...what are my spoils of war..or am I still searching for them? I found it all,yet I found nothing off it..but lets go to beginning... Beginnings, so many of them there are, a warrior i was trained to be,merciless,sharp,fearsome; a flute in one hand and a sword in the other ? no,not me, axe in one and a bigger axe in other! Trough many realms we have traveled,the tribe and I, many remained in flame and empty after our feast...untamed as we were we knew of no fear,magic we laughed at...power coiled trough our veins,bloodlust and rage... Upon one battle,in the ruins of forgotten city,outskirted by all known gods,my tribe has captured a creature...hm captured? no,it was already captured,enchained with chain that were no chains,thin as light - some paladinish magery kept him captive...now i remember that last of the paladins begged - Use the dagger!use it!!! I smiled upon him and used a axe instead..the dagger remained on the altar... the creature,it spoke... begging,promising,missleading,but we were to resistant to its magic... it spoke of a place,distant one,the place of his origin,full of unknown,forgotten treasures,eternal fame to any bold adventurers...he spoke as i was getting bored with his words...\"End him!\" - I commanded... my brother in arms wielded his axe,swift swing...the axe broke!!! Rage overwhelmed me,I reached for the dagger remembering the paladins words, the shaft was edged,bleeding me...blood on the altar...chaos unleashed... from the dust,from the mist,from the haze,from the air...more creatures started appearing,filling space quickly...batllecry of my tribe echoed trough the night...we fought,we fought bravely...but our weapons somehow did poor damage,our enraged minds protected us from the wicked spells and screams of our enemies...it lasted,i know not how long,deep inside me I feel it still lasts... seeing that they can neither win nor lose, the creatures started retrearing to the altar,we followed... they were to unbound their leader from the chains, formed a circle ,a circle with angles,and the leader went free gaining in size,shape and form, we cared not.. on the wings of our battlesong we blindly continued the attacks...My axe attacked,circle was broken and i faced the lord...\"I see you fear me not puny one! All comes in time,you shall learn what fear is,your fear will be my end as well,with fear only you will defeat me!!!\" - with his last words he opened a portal taking us both ... so i walk this lands ever since... looking for the fear itself... to put a axe deep inside it...
Some of my creatures
Hail of arrows Master Silent Arrow Protecting Branch Majestic Winderwild Leach Ugly Rat Chief tricky lassie Grasan II

Page 348 - The Inner Sun - Iam.
Time passes as I am Bored studies the pages within the book. The library is surprisingly silent as he looks everything over at least twice, sometimes more. Looking through the book, he finds what looks like a simple wax seal. When I am Bores tries to open the sealed section, however, the wax holds fast. “Hey!! What is this?!” ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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