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Player ID: 171266
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 24
Energetic immunity : 32
Trade sense : 15
Briskness : 33
Initiative : 20
Defence : 102
Attack : 131
Luck : 9
Power : 21
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Cyclicity = 820
Principle of Imagination = 474
Time Principle = 356
Darkness Principle = 244
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 397 | Lost: 416
Honor: 4386
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Genesis of the monkeys
  • It is said that on the first day M created the matter and anti-matter... and the first monkey.
  • On the second day these generated a big collision which gave birth to the universe.. and the second monkey
  • On the third day solar systems and planets started to form... and the third monkey.
  • On the fourth day M created the principles... and the fourth monkey.
  • On its fifth day M created life and souls by accident while playing with the principles... and the fifth monkey
  • On its sixth day, M started to work on the other dimensions and came across the astral planes.... and the sixth monkey
  • On the seventh day, M was tired and the realm was starting to look quite good... as well as the seventh monkey

I've got two questions for you: Where did i come from and where did the other 11 monkeys go?

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Some of my creatures
Elemental V Majestic Winderwild Chaos Archer Dry me off Minipit Imperial Aramor Assassin Hannibal Grasan Huvourer Murdock


Hate list: anyone who doesn't like bananas...

Page 130 - The Shade Ballance - Others
Suddenly someone screems "Looook , look there, the lights!! ... white lights fromt the island .. its a sign! its a sign!! " everybody swarms to their spyglases and those who have none wait impatiently to get a look throu one. The island is indeed sending out light signals. White spots of ..something ..raise from the ground heading towards the sky . "what is it??...waht could it be?" Everybody starts making supositions on the event. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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