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Player ID: 173192
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 14
Energetic immunity : 15
Trade sense : 17
Briskness : 14
Initiative : 0
Defence : 9
Attack : 26
Power : 8
Luck : 2
Element Principle = 157
Darkness Principle = 23
Time Principle = 17
Principle of Balance = 20
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 172 | Lost: 58
Honor: 2475
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
The lord of darkness

Iam the lord of darkness, the steeller of all souls, destruction is my job, Rest in Peace guysss.....

Ok iam in a mode of Forming a DEATH ARMY under the Lord of Darkness himself...

Those who wants to join the Death Army this is the rules:

Rulez to follow for all army of DEATH:
1) U should be an MP3 player. MP4 player if u want to join Message me i will consider
2) Plz appoint me as ur Adept if u don't have one. If u r changing me Plz message me before u do so.
3) Don't attack other Member of Death Army. Unless for Training purpose.
4) We will work as a Team during Head Contest and Torch contest.
5) Discuss the secrets of this Game.

What u Gain

1) Respect
2) Forbidden Secrets
3) Forbidden Creatures
4) Tips for play this game in Dark ways
5) I will prepare u guys with Strong Army when u reach MP4

I will keep on up dating this Page keep a track of it

Some of my creatures
Dark Archer III Animated Tree III Elite Knator

Dark ness Rules over the Light

 I Hate all but those who Accept me as ur lord I will aid Them to eternity of Life in Hell...
Those who supports the Light will Fall and once again The darkness shall rule upon the world.. Let the dark Wins...
Rest In Peace.....

I hate all MP2 players. What r these tiny creatures doing here. I will Raze them all from MD map hahahaha

Page 289 - The Shade Ballance END
With balance returned to the land, the people begin to feel a mysterious ease about the air that they hadn't felt before. The wise notice the shifting of clouds to original locations. More noticeably, there seems to be something moving in the sky... "The... the sun's moving! Look!" Someone points to the sky and many people begin clamoring. What could this mean for the freshly balanced lands? Time will tell. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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